Chapter 1: Revelations

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[Emma Alonso]

There's always the point in a romantic relationship when something goes wrong. It was my second year at Iriduim High and I was excited to start the whole new year with Daniel Miller, my boyfriend since my first year of Iridium High. Daniel had called me earlier and scheduled a date with me, he said that he had a surprise for me.

I headed towards the cafe that he specifically told me and entered the shop to see Daniel was at a table booth, looking extremely nervous. He ran his hands through his brown hair, a trait that I loved about him. As soon as his gaze met my eyes, a grim smile formed on his lips and I headed towards him.

"Daniel! How are you?" I blabbered and gave him my signature preppy smile.

"Listen Emma..." He trailed off looking extremely guilty.

This was the part where he would break up with me. My nerves were a jumbling mess and suddenly it became hard to swallow.

"...My family and I are moving to California." Daniel finished speaking with a sad smile.

My throat constricted and I could hardly breathe.

"When are you leaving?" I managed to splutter out through heavy breaths.

"Today." He replied looking extremely guilty.

"How could you tell me at the last minute? I thought we trusted each other with everything!"

Tears covered my vision and our surroundings became blurred into distant colors.

"...We do Emma..." Daniel replied giving me a pitiful stare.

"Then why did you tell me last minute?" I hiccuped out.

"I didn't know how you would react..." He trailed off with a frown pulling at the corners of his lips.

"If you trusted me and told me this earlier,  we wouldn't be in this situation. Apparently, you didn't trust your own girlfriend who you have been with for an entire year." I glared at him.

"Emma you know that's not what I meant to do." He started explaining to me.

"Then what did you want to do?" I didn't wait for his reply and stormed out of the cafe.

Half of me was hoping that he would try to follow me and clear things up. The other half questioned if Daniel really did have feelings for me. Certainly, if he really liked me, he would have told me sooner right?

Not noticing my surroundings, I bumped into a muscular figure. I looked up to come face to face with Iridium High's bad boy Jax Novoa.

"Hey Emma." He flashed me his smirk that made two of the Panthers, Sophie and Katie,  fawn all over him.

I wiped up the dried tears on my cheeks and attempted to give him a smile. He noticed my obvious foul mood and gave me a concerned stare.

"What's wrong, Emma?" Jax finally asked and gave me a genuine smile. I didn't give him a response for a few minutes until my throat started to close up. Watery tears brimmed my eyes and I started crying once again.

"It's Daniel!" I managed to blubber out before the tears started their journey down my face.

"What about him, Em?" Jax asked with concern.

"He didn't even care enough to tell me that he was going to leave to sunny side California today!" I sobbed and I felt arms wrap my body.

"It's okay, Emma. Daniel doesn't know what he's missing." Jax whispered in my ear and drew soothing circles on my back.

"Emma, I know your hurting but the best way to deal with this situation is to forget about Daniel and move on." Jax explained to me and gave me a comforting hug.

Goodbye, Daniel. I'm shutting you out of my life. I'm no longer the sweet Emma you once knew.

"Don't call me Emma. That's what Daniel calls me." I told Jax. 

"Alright then. How about I call you E?" He asked with a smirk.

"I like the sound of that. It sounds so much better than Emma." I gave him a small smile.

"The first step to moving on is to get rid of all contact with Daniel." Jax told me with a smile.

I took out my cell phone and scrolled until I found Daniel Miller's phone number.

Goodbye, Daniel.  I'm shutting you out of my life.

Without hesitation, I clicked the delete button and shut off my phone. Once I was done, I looked up to find Jax giving me a proud smile.

"Good job, E." He smirked.


Hey guys! I hope the first chapter wasn't that bad! If you liked it, don't forget to  comment and vote! It makes me happy to see notifications of new people reading my book!



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