Chapter 6: Mysterious Woman Revealed

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[Emma Alonso]

"Come on, E." Jax pleads. 

"Think of all the consequences, Jax! We could get caught  and we would get detention. And think about my nerd cred!" I blurt out. 

"You said you would help me with my powers, E. You know what, forget it. I'll just find someone else to help me." He pouts with his bottom lip jutting out.

"Jax, wait! I'll come." I agree and inwardly sigh. 

"Great. Let's tele-transport there." He suggests. 

"I can't. Every time I tele-transport somewhere, I always end up in the pool." I bit my lip in hesitation. 

"Then, I guess you have to get to the beach the old fashioned way." He smirks.

"You know, you have a vein on your forehead that pops out when your panicking." Jax trails off with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Jax!" I hiss with a very noticeable frown on my face.

"FIne. I'll meet you there." I sigh and he chuckles when he's realised he won our debate. 


Once we arrived at the beach, things turned into an epic food fight. Sticky and gooey substances were covering my Iridium HIgh uniform and my face was covered in cake frosting. 

"Jax, stop!" I plead as he throws a pie at my face. 

"No way, this is too good to pass up." He laughs and grabs another piece of cake, ready to throw. 

"Fine." I narrow my eyes and throw a piece of cheese cake at his face. 

"It's on." He smirks and throws a sandwich back at me. 

An hour later, Jax and I both look like we were mauled by a gigantic food court. 

"Stay here. I'll go get us towels to clean up a bit." Jax says and leaves me to run to the other side of the beach to get some. 

"You know, your father wouldn't be very pleased to see his only daughter, skipping school." I jump in fright and turn around to see the same cloaked figure in my dreams. Her back is facing to me so I only see her long black cloak which reaches to the bottom of the ground. 

"W-what are you doing here?" I stammer out and backing away from her. 

"Relax, Emma. I'm not here to harm you. I'm only here to warn you of what's to come in the future." She laughs. 

"Why would you do that?" I raise one of my eyebrows up as if daring her to answer my question. "You have nothing to gain by helping me." 

In response, the she turns aroudn to face me and drops her midnight colored cloak to the ground. 

"A mother would do anything to help her only child." She chuckles at my shocked expression. 

"Mother?" I utter in disbelief with my eyes widened to the size of golfballs. 


What happens next? You get to decide by choosing your choice from the voting poll of chapter 7!

Chapter 7: Voting Poll. (Choose only ONE option!)

-Emma refuses to believe that 'the cloaked figure' is really her mother and sends the 'cloaked figure' to limbo.  

-Emma sits down and rekindles with the 'cloaked figure' and listens to what she has to say. 


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote! And if you'd like, follow me to get INSTANT SNEAK PEAKS of future chapters and to be notifed of WHEN I will post chapters! 

Thanks for reading. :)  

Happy New Years, 


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