Chapter 23: She's Back

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Chapter Dedication: @teengirl194

[For being my newest reader] 

Chapter 23: Intervene

"Stop!" Aggie exclaimed right after Jax had eaten the cookie.

"By gods, it is true that you have taken the form of the chosen one!" Desdemona gasped.

"I hate to break it to you, Witch's Council," Evil Emma drawled out mockingly. "But you're too late."

Jax's body stopped shaking and he shook his head left and right as if trying to remember where he was.

"Jax Novoa," Aggie commanded. "Come here."

When Jax's eyes locked with Aggie's, the council gasped as if what they were seeing was just imagination.

Jax's eyes were not their usual chocolate brown; his eyes were an obsidian black.

"I don't take orders from you," Jax hissed, his fists clenched.

"Now, now Aggie," Evil Emma smirked triumphiantly. "Jax is under my control."

"What you have done is extremely desperate," Lily stated. "You have put Jax under a spell to make him forget the man he has become. You made him forget about the difference between good and evil."

"Shut up," Evil Emma snarled, covering her ears with her hands, desperate for Lily to stop talking.

Evil Emma knew that what she did was wrong and desperate. She just

didn't want to hear the words coming out of someone else's mouth. She

was not good; she was evil. It was her job to cause others' downfall; it

was her job to wreck havoc.

"And you know what's even worse?" Lily asked a rhetorical question. "You made him love you."

"Just shut up!" Evil Emma shrieked and cast numerous spells under her breath, silencing the members of the Witches' Council.

What used to be the three members of the Witches' Council were three frogs in place. Frogs that had no powers; amphibians that were helpless. The greatest thought of all to Evil Emma was that they wouldn't interfere with her plans.

"I told you to shut up," Evil Emma crouched down to face what used to be the Witches' Council and picked all three of the amphibians up.

"You didn't listen and now you have to pay the price," Evil Emma cackled, raising her hand to cast a spell that would send them to oblivion.

Meanwhile, Jax was conflicted with himself. He had excused himself to use the restroom earlier and looked at himself in the mirror.

Why couldn't he remember anything?

Why couldn't he remember who he truly was?

What had happened to him?

His black obsidian eyes stared lifelessly back at them. His eyes were black; the color of death. He sighed and ran his hands over the faucet water.

After drying his hands with a spare towel, an immense amount of pain shot through his skull. It was so painful that he had fallen to his knees, clenching his jaw.

The pain did not last for a short period of time; it lasted for much more. Jax felt that the pain would continue for eternity.

As quickly as it came, the pain eventually subsided an Jax picked himself from the floor and looked at himself once again in the mirror.

What Jax saw was shocking; something that confused him. Instead of staring back at two obsidian colored eyes, his left eye reverted to a chocolate brown color while his right eye remained the color black.

"Jax," A feminine voice whispered in his head. Her voice was sweet, comforting and it made Jax's emotions stir. He felt like he knew her and that she was good.

"Who are you? " He questioned back at the sweet voice in his head.

"Don't you remember me?" The melodic voice inquired.

"I'm sorry. I don't." He said, wanting to know who this girl was that was speaking in his mind.

"I'm Emma,"  She answered back.


Look who's back? This girl! (points to myself) And she actually updated!

I was going to update this weekend but I didn't want to make the time period extend so long.

I believe it's been two almost three weeks since I updated? I am so sorry about that. I will be updating very soon in return for my absence.

I have prom tonight! :D *squeals like a fangirl*

Picture to the side/top is of your lovely couple, Jax and Emma! :)

Like his chapter? Hate it? :O

Tell me in the comments below! :)

I love you all! <3

-Lil <3

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