Chapter 4: Complications

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[Emma Alonso]

In a few seconds, Jax teleported into my room, almost giving me a heart attack.

"Jax! You scared me!" I put my hand to my chest, feeling the rapid thumping of my heart.

"Sorry, E." He apologized with a small grin on his face.

"Let's keep it a little down in here. My father's asleep." I suggested.

He nodded and asked me, "What did you want to talk about?

"I know this sounds unbelievable but I had a dream and I saw a mysterious woman in a black cloak. She warned me about having two lovers- one that would protect me with his life and one that would do anything to destroy me." I said nervously.

"Before I could ask her who my protector and destroyer were, she faded in and out and just  disappeared." I finished speaking.

"She faded in and out?" Jax asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Yes." I confirmed his question.

"It seems like this mysterious woman that you speak of is using astral projection." He told me.

"Astral projection?" I asked.

"Astral projection is when a witch or a warlock uses his or her own magic to enter someone's dreams. It doesn't necessarily have to be a witch's dream-it can be a mortal's too." He explained.

"How come I've never heard about it?" I questioned him.

"It is extremely dangerous. In the past, many witches and warlocks went through the process of astral projection, simply because they were curious of what it would feel like. Many of our kind could not control the power of astral projection and became stuck in limbo. With the decrease in our kind, the Council banned the use of astral projection for thousands of years and it is still forbidden in witchcraft today. Over time, astral projection was forgotten." Jax replied.

"Then, how was the woman in my dreams able to use it?" I asked.

"When the Council banned astral projection, only the strongest and most powerful would be able to access it. My guess is that whoever the woman in your dreams was, she is much more powerful than you think." His face contorted into a small frown.

"I think it's time you leave. We have school tomorrow and you need to get some rest. We will talk about this another time." I suggested, trying to ignore the feeling of panic that increased little by little.

"Just be careful, E." He pulled me into his chest and gave me a long hug.

"I will." I flashed him my signature preppy smile.

"Just remember, E. I'll always be here for you." He murmured against the top of my head.

I nodded and gave him a peck on the side of his face. He flashed me his signature smirk and in a flash, he teleported out of my bedroom.

I didn't tell Jax about the carvings on my vanity mirror because I knew it would worry him further. All I needed to figure out now was how to speak to the mysterious woman again to get more help. I didn't know why but I felt that she could be trusted. Tomorrow, Jax and I would try to figure out the rest. Today, I learned that he would do anything for me despite what I asked. Jax Novoa was the bad boy of Iridium High and he cared for me in ways that I couldn't imagine.

All I knew was that Jax Novoa was my protector.


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Thanks! :D


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