Important Notice(s)

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Hello my lovely readers,

I started writing this story on December 9, 2014 with the thought of starting something extraordinary, something incredible. It's 2015 now, I'm thirteen, turning fourteen this year, and all that imagination I had has rapidly disappeared. I just can't fathom myself dragging this story on to 45 or longer chapters despite the fact that the poll results were positive.

After much debate, I decided that Every Witch Way will have only 30 chapters. I am deeply sorry for those I have disappointed but I really just can't deal with this right now.

When all 30 chapters are written, I will mark this book as completed. If some of you have noticed, I have written on my profile that this account is semi-inactive and after all books are completed, it will just remain inactive. By inactive, I don't mean that I will be tossing Wattpad away, I mean that I will no longer be writing. Believe me, I loved writing and a part of me will always will but we're

all continuing to grow and mature every minute, every second, and I

discovered that maybe writing isn't my fort and maybe it never was.

Furthermore, thank you to each and every one of you wonderful readers that have took a glance at this book, the reads, the votes, the comments— are appreciated.


Every Witch Way [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now