I found you

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"I FOUND YOU !!!" I sang at the top of my lungs.I was happily singing A song by my favourite band when there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I shouted to mum even though I knew she would ignore me. She's been ignoring me for a few weeks now and I don't know why. Ever since she kept getting loads of texts from someone but won't tell me who. I then stopped daydreaming and realised that I was meant to me opening the door.

I slowly walked up to the front door and opened it to reveal a complete stranger standing at the door.

"Hello" he said cheerily.

"Erm .. Hi." I replied "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Do you not know who I am?" He asked me. I had never seen him before in my life so no I did not know who he was!

"Erm.. no" I replied not wanting to be rude.

"I'm your dad" he said.

"What?" I said, I was completely shocked by this. Why would he say that when my dad was sitting in the living room ? My mum must have heard our conversation because she came to the door and ushered this man claiming to be my dad inside. What was she doing? I sat down on the sofa next to my dad (my real dad) and my mum sat next to the man claiming to be my dad.

"Ok Megan, this is Paul McGuiness and I know I should have told you this years ago but he is your real dad." I was speechless. My own mum had just told me that the man she told me was my dad and who I have grown up with for fifteen years is not related to me at all.

"What?!" I replied eventually. "You can't be serious! Is this some kind if sick joke?!".

"No" she replied "its the truth",

"I can't believe this !" I screamed. "For fifteen years you've lied to me! Made me think that he was my dad when it's all lies! Why didn't you tell me?" I asked gesturing towards the man who I thought was my dad.

"I...I didn't know how to tell you" she replied.

" You know I thought as my mum you would have told me the truth like you expect me to tell you the truth but I guess everything you've told me is all lies!"

I stormed upstairs and slammed my door shut. This could not be happening. Lies. For fifteen years I've been lied too. How could she do this to me? I thought she loved me. Obviously not.

I just lay there on my bed, tears rolling down my cheeks. Thinking. Thinking about what was going to happen next.

I could hear Phil (the person who I thought was my dad) shouting at mum. He was upset because they have been married sixteen years so mum obviously cheated on him with Paul when they were married because I am 15 so was born after they were married.

I could hear mum crying and trying to tell him that it was a drunken mistake. Thanks for that. Now I am a mistake that's nice mum knows how to make me feel loved. Not.

Then the door slammed . Phil must have left to 'clear his head'. Now mum was just crying downstairs, I wanted to comfort her but after all she's done she doesn't deserve to be comforted. It's her fault she's in this mess.


Ok so first part, I know TW aren't in it yet but they will be soon!! Please tell me what you think so I can make it better !!

Megan xx

They Said This Day Wouldn't Come (The Wanted Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin