|Chapter 61: Thinking Ahead|

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You felt a little hesitant to go and battle Maruki for the last time, hopefully he'll have some sort of change of heart. The way he looks sad makes you sad as well.

"I swear... I won't disappoint you anymore Takuto..." You muttered to yourself.

You all met at Leblanc once again, planning out stuff until you all once again headed for Maruki's palace except.... It wasn't the same palace as it used to be. The palace looked like some sort of final boss stage with chaos all over. It was no longer white rather some purplish color and a bit of yellow.

"Is this... His true palace...?" You stared in shock.

You remembered how calm the theme was for the palace, this had never been around. What even happened...?

"Let's do this guys... Before I back out." You said.

You all continued on traveling from place to place in this new palace. There was a lot to look at. Everything was just utter chaos.

"I didn't know a beautiful palace would suddenly turn into some sort of nightmare..." Haru mentioned.

"Yeah, like a kids nightmare or somethin' maybe even a horror movie." Ryuji said.

"I for one think this view is lovely, it brings out the true person inside." Yusuke pulled out a canvas out of nowhere.

"S-Since when did you prepare that...?!" Ann was shocked.

"That's Inari for ya! Always bringing his art work everywhere he goes! I'm proud Inari!" Futaba pat Yusuke on the shoulder.

"Such praise isn't necessary." Yusuke smiled.

You all decided to take a break from here on out while being in the palace. This was going to be hard.

"Hey Akechi, I wanted to ask... How did you switch from one persona to another? I noticed you used to have another persona back then, Robin Hood was it?" You asked.

Everyone looked down in sadness as if it were their faults.

"That's because Loki and this outfit is supposed to represent the true me. I'm not that nice guy you always know, I'm pretty evil if I may so myself." Akechi smirked. He gave you an evil look.

"No way...! So that nice guy act is all just fake?" You asked.

"Why don't you ask Akira?" Akechi looked over at Akira.

Akira looked down as if he felt ashamed of something that had happened or guilt.

"Why does everyone look so down? Let's lighten up the mood...! What do you all plan on doing after this whole palace thing?" Akechi asked, looking around at everyone else.

"Well, I guess we just return to our ordinary lives." Ann answered.

"Hell yeah, I'm done with this bull shit." Ryuji nodded.

"I'll be playing video games!" Futaba smirked.

"I'll go back to painting, hopefully set a better example of Madarame-sensei." Yusuke nodded.

"I'll see what I can do!" Haru smiled.

"To be by you guys and hopefully graduate by then!" Makoto smiled.

"I want to spend my life with you guys!" Sumire laughed.

"I'm returning back home." Akira said.

Everyone looked over at you wondering what your plans were after all this Phantom Thief stuff was over.

"H-Huh...? My plans...?" You asked.

"Yes! We want to know your plans!" Ann said.

"Tell us!" Futaba chanted.

Everyone began to chant for you to tell them.

"How annoying, wouldn't you agree (y/n)? Akechi laughed.

He truly is not a nice person.

"To be honest.. I don't really know what to do with myself, I just want to live my normal Shujin life but then again I want to spend my life with Takuto. I'm willing to help him on this... I don't want to give up on him." You smiled.

"Aww (y/n)... That's so sweet...!" Ann fangirled.

"We're rooting for you!" Futaba cheered on.

"We've got your back." Makoto placed her hand on your shoulder.

"We support your decisions." Haru said.

"I'm with you!" Sumire nodded.

You all looked at the boys who seemed a bit hesitant.

"Seriously...? I hate that you're the only one in a relationship other than us. Come on Akira you're single too right?" Ryuji said.

Akira looked down with sweat running down his forehead.

"Are you shittin' me...?! How did you manage to snag a girl...?!" Ryuji asked.

"What about you pancake prince?" Ryuji looked over at Ryuji.

"Let's get back to investigating this palace and find doctor Maruki instead of this pointless chat." Akechi stood up.

"Yeah I agree with you." You stood up as well.

You all continued to explore around the palace looking for more ways towards the palace. The more you explored this palace the more you felt upset. Upset that such a place would exist, upset that maybe you just weren't there for Maruki.

It's not your fault (y/n)... Maybe if you can talk with him it'll all be alright...

You all finally arrived over to where Maruki was, he was standing there with a new look.

"You've all arrived... I can't believe you're here... I didn't want to do this..." Maruki sighed.

"I don't want to do this either... But if we can't stop you this world will become to shreds." You said.

"(y/n)...." Maruki looked upset.

"Very well.... I won't be holding back." Maruki said.

"Come forth! Persona!" Maruki yelled.

You all engaged into a battle with Maruki. It was going difficult because Maruki was a lot stronger than you thought he'd be. Who knew that behind the nice friendly nerd doctor would be a powerful guy who has such a desire.

You kept getting weak and vulnerable against this battle considering how you were facing the person you love so much. But he said he wasn't going to hold back so no matter what you had to try. You couldn't hold back against him either.

"I'm going to show you that some desire of yours doesn't need to happen...!" You yelled.

Everyone else looked at you as you continued to try hard and your best. They all supported you and eventually you all defeated Maruki.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now