|Chapter 43: Struggle|

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Since that day you haven't been able to summon your persona instead you took the time to fight them off with weapons, sometimes when the shadows weren't able to be hurt with a weapon, you had no choice but to run away. There was no way you could've fought them not when they were immune to your weapon.

"This is the struggle... still I wonder what even happened to me.... Could it have been from when I slept for 4 days...?" You wondered.

"Champeron Rouge... Hear me out, if you're still inside of me come out to my aid. I promise I won't over use you. I just need your strength and support!" You yelled.

Still no response from Champeron Rouge.

"GOD DAMN IT...!" You yelled, slamming your fist against the wall again.

You could feel a lot of anger inside of you but yet you didn't release much of it. You instead went back to your world and began to walk around Inokashira park to calm yourself down. You looked at how happy some people were but yet you weren't.

Everyone looks so happy... If only I could've been here walking around with Takuto... I could've been so happy like these other people here.

You continued to walk around but weren't looking were you were going. You suddenly bumped into a woman.

"Sorry...! Are you alright??" The woman said.

"Y-Yeah...! Sorry my bad..." You smiled.

You looked at the woman and noticed she was Rumi, Takuto's ex girlfriend.

She's so beautiful... Her red short hair...her brownish sort of red eyes as well.. Makes me feel envious that Takuto dated someone as beautiful as this woman. Why do I feel jealous...? This lady was...

"Are you sure you're alright? You don't want me to take you to a doctor or anything??" Rumi asked.

"What's your relationship to Takuto." You muttered.

"Pardon..? Who is that?" Rumi asked.

"Takuto...! He was your-" You felt someone cover your mouth.

"Sorry about that, sometimes she can say random things out of the blue." That familiar voice said.

"Oh, I see...! You look familiar though... I hope you two have a great day!" Rumi smiled.

You felt that person drag you away from Rumi and take you to a place where you were alone with them. It was Maruki.

"Takuto...! What are you doing here...?!" You asked.

"I could ask the same for you, talking to Rumi there almost scared me entirely. Please don't do that again." Maruki sighed.

You felt anger towards him for some reason.

"Why haven't you been replying my messages or even coming to visit...? Am I not that important to you anymore??" You asked.

"No, no it's not that it's just..."

"Do you want to break up with me?" You asked

~~Maruki's pov~~

That was the question that put my mood down, the question I hoped I never would hear in my entire life of being with her. That question is what I would fear the most.

I fell silent and afraid but suddenly felt myself wrap my arms around her. She was short, too short for me to put my arms around her.

The struggle that my feelings are preventing me from being around her, not just that but the fact that one day she could discover that I suppressed her memories in exchange for her not figuring out anything about me...

"I could never get myself to do that... Please don't think of it that way..." I said.

~~Y/N's pov~~

You felt your heart race a little.

"Not in a million years would I be able to get myself to break up with you... That time where you told me that you wanted to support me and share feelings with me I felt a little bit of happiness in me... Happy that someone cared for me that way. I... I still feel happy being with you to this day but..." Maruki looked at you.

You felt yourself look at him with an upset look, he let go of you and said.

"I'm not a good boyfriend, I've been hiding things from you. A lot of them..." Maruki looked down.

You tried to reach in for his hand.

"If you've been hiding things from me I'd be willing to listen to you." You nodded.

"...It isn't that simple, you see... I just can't get myself to tell you it." Maruki turned back to you and placed his arms around you.

"Maybe you should forget this ever happened between us..." Maruki whispered.

You felt a little sleepy being in his arms like that.

Why do I feel like I've seen this before...? I feel like this has happened to me before but in a different case...

"Takuto.... I... I feel tired..." You muttered.

"Let's take you home, don't want you falling asleep in a place like this." Takuto nervously laughed.

The two of you continued to walk home together with you leaning on his shoulder like that. You felt very drowsy for some reason. Maruki dropped you off all the way to your room and told you to sleep well.

You can feel yourself getting weak and all of a sudden closing your eyes.

Why is that I feel so... So tired... why did I feel this same feeling as before... Maybe if I had been aware I would've known what this feeling was...

You closed your eyes and slept.

~~Maruki's pov~~

I... I did it again... I suppressed her memories again... I feel guilty, really guilty for doing that. I used my powers against her again... This could effect her so much. What if one day forgets who I am forgets about this whole thing with me...? Then again she'd probably be happier that way...

What if I suppressed her memories to make her forget we were ever in this relationship.. Would she be happier...? No but... Think of what it'll do to me. I wouldn't be happy but if that was the way things go then would it even be a good idea or a bad idea?

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now