|Chapter 32: Trusting Issues|

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~~Dream pov~~

"What if I told you I have powers like yours...? Will you then join alongside me?" A voice said.

You found yourself in another dream sequence again, these strange dreams keep coming to you, especially about someone asking you questions about coming with them or joining them. This time your dream was different.

You found yourself outside wearing your Phantom Thief outfit as police officers began to call you out. You began to run away, doing some tricks and stuff to get out of this but... It was one thing that shocked you.

You were being pursued by police officers, each one of them trying to get you. You were wanted because you were considered a Phantom Thief. It wasn't until you found yourself around some place you don't recognize.

"In here...!" A calm familiar voice said.

You entered someone's place but noticed who it was.

Maruki...! Why is he helping me...?!

"I feel bad for you Phantom Thieves... Being pursued by the police like this.. I really didn't want someone like you to be put behind bars." Maruki said.

You stood quiet, this felt so real... This didn't feel like some sort of dream at all. You nodded and agreed with what he said.

"Come to think of it... How come you wear a mask? Do you mind showing me what you look like? I'm sure there's no reason as to hide your face." Maruki smiled.

You nodded in disagreement.

"Why not? Nervous? It's fine really...! I've never been the one to judge looks! People judge me for looking like some sort of nerd or even not dressing much professionally but it's okay, I'm very accepting of looks." Maruki seemed happy.

You tried to open a window and escape but your mask fell off. He was shocked to see your face.

"Y/N...? You're a...." Maruki's eyes widened.

"....I didn't want you to find out about this..." You muttered.

"You never told me... I never thought you'd be a Phantom Thief I..." Maruki looked disappointed, as if you kept a secret from him.

~~Awoken pov~~

You woke up from that horrible nightmare, you felt your head hurt a little from that dream.

"Keeping a secret from him for that long... Should I tell him..." You worried.

"Keep what a secret...?" A voice asked.

You stared over and noticed Ryuji using his phone.

"R-Ryuji...?! What are you doing here...?!" You yelled.

"What am I doin' here? I was told to watch over you while you slept. The others left to do some walkin' and ya know... I guess I couldn't leave someone like you behind before you get into some sort of trouble." Ryuji sighed.

"You could've gone." You said.

"Yeah but ya know, as your friend I care about you. We all do in fact. Jeez I don't understand this dumb stuff...." Ryuji looked down in embarrassment.

"Speakin' of which... Isn't it time you told me about hiding secrets or so. Listen man, I'm not the type to judge people unless you're being friggin ridiculous." Ryuji asked.

You looked down.

"I guess I have been secretive." You smiled a little.

"So is it true? Are you dating the doc?" Ryuji asked.

Your eyes widened in surprise.

"H-How'd you..."

"Ann and Makoto saw you, they didn't really know what to do but they did catch you both smoochin' or whatever." Ryuji said.

"We weren't-"

"It's okay, I won't judge but I'm going to say... Wow dude, you managed to score with some old man." Ryuji laughed.

"He's not that old...!" You frowned.

"Yeah, I know. But still... I didn't really think student and teacher shit could really happen. Guess I gotta look for some sexy hot babe of a teacher with big ta-"

You glared at Ryuji with a mean look.

"C-Cut it out...! What's with that creepy glare...?! You're creepin' me out dude!" Ryuji seemed uncomfortable.

"Don't even day a thing, you turned Mishima into a perv but there's no way I'm going to let you fill those nasty thoughts into my head." You glared at Ryuji some more.

"Alright, alright, jeez...!" Ryuji frowned.

You laughed a little, you felt that heavy emotion in you suddenly lift away like nothing.

"Yes, I'm in fact dating the doctor. Just keep it a secret, got it?" You asked.

"It's not like I was planning on telling anyways, that's me exposing that we're Phantom Thieves." Ryuji said.

"Well you did expose your team once." You teased.

"That was one time okay...!" Ryuji looked mad.

"Hey Y/N, does Mr. Popular know you're a Phantom Thief?" Ryuji asked.

That question is what bothered you the most, the fact that you haven't said a word about you being one towards Maruki.

"No... Truth be told, I never have admitted it. I'm too scared to do so." You shook a little.

"What if he finds out? Hell, it'll all be over for us. It's a scary thought to think about." Ryuji said.

"It's hard to make up my mind, part of me wants to tell him and part of me doesn't." You said.

Ryuji bonked your head with his hand.

"...Ow.." You muttered.

"Well think harder on it, if you can't decide on it yet, give it some thought. But remember not to stress yourself out on it or anythin'. Wouldn't want you to suddenly go depressed or avoid us because of this thinking. When you come to your final decision make sure you tell us and the doc himself." Ryuji smiled.

You felt a strong determination and inspiration from Ryuji's words of encouragement.

Ryuji left the room, leaving you alone.

If only I had shared those nightmares I have with him or maybe someone I trust, this nightmares must have an end to them. I'm tired of getting them...

You threw yourself back on to your bed and fell back asleep again. You were very sleepy and decided to call today a day you would just rest the whole day without being bothered or doing anything.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now