|Chapter 34: Beach Date|

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"Hey Y/N, wanna go out on a small little date today? I figured this might be our last time at Hawaii yet it's sad to see this all go. Maybe we should have a small date." -Maruki.

Maruki had texted you this early in the morning, you had agreed on this but sweat poured down your forehead just thinking about it.

What do I do...?! I've never been on a date before...!! How should I even do this...?!

Panic and fear was in your head as you kept thinking what you should even do.

Should I bail out...? No... That would be horrible, Maruki would've wasted his time and our relationship would fall... Hang on... Why do I keep thinking negatively about our relationship? I should stop for once, I know Takuto loves me and I love him.

You tried your best with fashion but in the end, wore something completely different.

"No... I can't go like this... I look horrible..." You muttered.

"What's wrong Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice say.

You jumped a little as you heard that voice.

"N-Nothing...! How can I help you Ann...?!" You stuttered.

"Help me? I could be helping you instead." Ann looked at you with concern.

"I-It's nothing really...! I'm g-"

"Date outfit struggles? I'm with ya girlie. Sometimes I don't even know what to wear in public. So who's the lucky one?" Ann smiled.

"N-No one...! And I'm not going out on a date..." You looked down.

"Oh come on, Y/N I get that sometimes in life you can hide secrets and that's okay with me but I already know. Me and Makoto know." Ann said.

You looked back at Ann and sighed.

"I guess the truth is out huh, I was expecting everyone to not know but... Yeah it's true, I'm dating Takuto Maruki. You can go hate on me but it's not like I'm breaking up with him...! I don't think I ever will...!" You frowned.

Ann looked at you and began laughing.

"That's all I needed to hear Y/N, I'm proud of you. You are the master of cuteness, well if he said no then we would have a big problem here and I would've beaten him up by now." Ann smirked.

"That's not required but thank you for caring Ann." You felt a smile on your face form.

"So do you have any date ideas? I can lend you a dress of mine I brought." Ann smiled.

You agreed and Ann let you change into a dress she was letting you borrow. It was one of those white summer dresses.

"You look amazing Y/N..! How about you keep the dress?!" Ann fangirled over you.

"Thank you... Although I don't think I feel that comfortable at all yet..." You smiled nervously.

Ann put a hair clip on your hair.

"Just remember to not to show a little too romance, even showing it off could lead to suspicion and questions." Ann gave you a thumbs up.

You headed out to go meet up with Maruki around the beach. You noticed him from afar, he took off his glasses and to your surprise he looked... HANDSOME... He looked like one of those hot villains you seen in anime or manga.

Is that... Is that even my boyfriend anymore...? WhY IS HE SO HANDSOME MY GOD...!

You stuttered a little and tried to walk back but Maruki spotted you.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now