|Chapter 44: Retrace|

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You awoke for your nap again seeing the time, it was a really late time. About after noon or so.

"This is so odd... What happened to me...?" You sighed.

You got up and opened the door to your living room to see Akechi and an older woman talking. They both noticed you were awake.

"Ah, good day Y/N. I see you're awake now." Akechi said.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"Your mother asked for a report on you, in case something has been going on." Akechi said.

"What...? What are you talking about...?" You questioned.

"Y/N L/N, have you been taking drugs?" The woman asked.

"What no...?! who even are you?!" You questioned.

"My name is Sae Nijima, I'm a prosecutor working to solve cases. Apparently your mother thinks you've been taking drugs given to you by someone." Sae said.

"That's... absurd! I don't do those stuff!" You yelled.

"Then would you mind I searched your room?" Sae asked.

You agreed to let her go through your room.

"Y/N, by any chance have drugs been causing you to sleep a lot? Has someone been drugging you? It's only natural it's that way since you can't remember a thing when you wake up." Akechi asked.

"No...! I swear! I could never...!" You frowned.

"Oh, I believe you alright. Just had to confirm things for myself. You don't reek of it but... Who knows." Akechi smirked.

"Akechi...!" You frowned.

"Just teasing you, gosh it's so hilarious to tease you." Akechi laughed.

Sae came out of your room.

"I've cleared you from any possible signs of drugs inside your room. By any chance can you be checked out by a doctor? We need to make sure you aren't secretly using them or even being drugged by someone else." Sae asked.

"I can do that... To prove I don't take any!" You yelled.

"Good, I'll be stopping by tomorrow again to see your test results on it." Sae walked out of the door.

"Oh Y/N! How are you doing with Doctor Maruki any good?" Akechi asked.

You looked down, can't help but feel like there's a struggle between the both of you and Maruki are having a bit of a struggle between the both of you.

"It's going great." You faked a smile.

"That's great, may you two continue to be happy together." Akechi smiled.

Great, way to make me feel upset by mentioning that..

"I'll see you then, Y/N." Akechi walked away with the woman, Sae Nijima by his side.

You checked your messages to see not a single reply from Taktuo.

"That's strange.... didn't he reply?" You questioned.

He always makes me worry about him too much... I can't even tell if he's alright or not at most points but...

You can somehow make out his sad face, whenever he'd stop by he'd look upset. You felt streams of tears come down your face.

"That's odd... Why am I... Why am I crying...?" You asked yourself.

You knew the answer to why you're crying, you care about him so much that whenever he won't tell you anything about the truth. He'll leave you quiet and not tell you a single thing.

"Wait.... Have I forgotten something...?" You questioned.

"That's correct Y/N, try to remember."
The voice said.

The voice sounded so familiar... It sounded like...

"Champeron Rouge...! Are you there...?!" You called out.

No reply, only silence.

You tried to focus and remember more details as to the days you were asleep for. All you could make out is gentle warm hands and... a shadow.

"I-I see it...! A shadow! I found another hint as to what caused my memories to go off...! Was I fighting a shadow??!" You came to the conclusion.

"This is like hard detective Goro Akechi stuff, I can see why he's the detective prince for a reason. I'll just have to retrace my steps and last remember what I was doing before that..." You nodded.

You took out your phone and began to text some of your friends asking what you did as a way to help solve your issues.

Haru mentioned that the two of you bought dresses but after that she took you home safely, Ryuji mentioned how he hasn't hung out with you, Makoto also said the same thing as Ryuji, Futaba said she wasn't there to see you, Yusuke mentioned how he was painting but that didn't really matter. Ann replied telling you she didn't know a thing but then it was up to Akira and Akechi.

Akira mentioned how he noticed one day Maruki was walking you back home, you were leaning on him for support and were very tired. Akechi has a different statement to say.

"Doctor Maruki looked as if he had seen a ghost or did something wrong. He was looking a lot of ways as if the man had killed someone." Akechi mentioned.

"Maruki... Maybe he has the answers to this whole mystery, maybe I should ask him if he knows where I was last time. There's no way he knows about shadows or personas so he'd probably call me crazy." You nodded.

You tried to call Maruki but no response came out of him. Looks like he was flat out busy or so.

"Damn it...! If he answers I could get something out of him. Maybe he could tell me whether I was passed out on the ground or even..." You paused.

You suddenly remembered that the shadow almost looked like a type of shadow you can use. You couldn't make out whether it was a persona or not but for sure it seemed as if it was being used in order of what caused this.

"What if this shadow is a persona...? I'm sure... Hmm... I need to know so badly. I might as well see for myself very soon of this.. For now I just gotta..." You felt a little sleepy and eventually gave in to it.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now