|Chapter 49: I know the truth|

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You know I've always loved you Y/N, you're so sweet and kind...

Those same voices echoed in your head. You feel as if you can see a clear version of it.

"Remember that if you find out more about him... He will suppress your memories."

Hang on a minute... what...? Suppress memories...??

You can see it clearly now, from what you saw you saw Maruki place his hands on your face. He looked sad and looked as if he didn't want to do such a thing to you. A shadow and a bit of black mist appeared out of nowhere from behind him.

"It's that shadow again...! Is he... is he being controlled??" You questioned.

You now realized the truth, you remembered everything, you were on a date with Maruki when you asked him two questions that made him feel uncomfortable, for some odd reason he had...

"Suppressed my memories... How could I forget all this...?" You thought.

"Akechi warned me about this sooner... So why didn't I...?!" You stood up and called Akechi. He was quick to pick up.

"Akechi, can we talk??" You asked.

"Why....?" Akechi asked.

"It's about Doctor Maruki...! I found out more about-" Akechi hung up on you quickly.

"Strange.. What's going on with him??" You questioned.

You grabbed a journal and began to write stuff down about Maruki suppressing your memories. You remembered what happened but then something came to you.

"Could the suppressing of my memories be a part of my persona also disappearing??" You now had more questions.

"What if... What if this whole time my persona was trying to defend me while my memories got suppressed? She was trying to fight off the unnatural beings that were around Maruki, poor Champeron Rouge... I feel so bad for her for even trying to do that... She went out of her way to defend me but in the end she couldn't stop it..." You muttered.

You felt yourself tear up all of a sudden, you've had so much warnings and yet you didn't pay attention. Chameleon Rouge tried to warn you and so did Akechi but why would Maruki do such a thing...? He doesn't seem to be the type to just suddenly suppress your memories unless he didn't want you finding out.

You went to spend time in Leblanc with Akira feeling a bit down from this. The two of you sat down together as he cooked up some curry.

"What's wrong Y/N? You seem a little down." Akira asked.

"It's nothing..." You sighed.

Akira continued to make the curry but you suddenly were curious.

"Hey Akira... do you believe in having your memories suppressed??" You asked out of the blue.

"Do I believe in memory suppressing???" Akira looked over at you.

"One day if someone out there had those type of powers to do so... Would you ever forgive them if they did that?" You looked over at Akira.

"I'm not sure I'd forgive them, I would have a talk with them and asked them why." Akira said.

"Is that what's bothering you? Have you ever felt like you forgot something important?" Akira looked at you.

"No... Well I feel like I forgot something important but..." You looked over at Akira.

"You believe there's such thing as suppressing memories??" Akira tilted his head.

You looked over at Akira and denied it.

"Did I just hear you talking about conspiracy theories...??" Futaba asked.

She came into Leblanc with a surprised look.

"I was just talking about memory suppressing..." You mentioned.

"That's a conspiracy theory! They say there's these type of people who have the power to suppress memories...! Maybe there's even secret agents that could suppress your memories! You know from those action movies and all?" Futaba said.

"None of what you said makes sense." Akira said.

"Awww bummer...!" Futaba sighed.

She sat down alongside you.

"Do you believe in memory suppressing??" You asked Futaba.

"Me? Of course I do! Why do you think I believe in these theories!!" Futaba answered.

"Although.. I do wish I knew why your persona was gone.. I'd do anything to help you Y/N. You're very kind." Futaba looked upset.

"Futaba's right, I also want to help you too." Makoto came in.

Akira looked over at Makoto.

"I guess that makes it three plates." Akira said, serving more curry.

"We need to know the cause of what happened to this." Makoto said.

"I agree! We need to kick whoever did this in the face!" Futaba yelled.

"I may have a clue for who it possibly be that had done this to me." You nodded.

"Who...?! Who..?!" Futaba asked.

"Don't worry... I may be wrong but I'll be able to confront them myself and judge myself whether I believe it is them. I shouldn't get other people involved into my problems." You smiled.

"But what if the person who did this to you is a strong persona user...? What will you able to do then??" Makoto asked.

That was a good question, indeed a very good question.

"Then I'll... I'll try my best...! Not for your sake but mine too!" You smiled.

You returned back to your home taking a deep breath as to the nervousness you felt inside you.

"I can't believe it... Am I really going to do it tomorrow... I'm going to confront Maruki tomorrow and ask him..." You muttered.

You received a message from Maruki asking you're willing to meet up tomorrow that he has something to tell you.

"What a coincidence...! I guess that's how we'll say our things we gotta say..." You nodded.

You can feel a strong sense of bravery inside of you. Yet you were still afraid of doing this confrontation that you were planning to do.

You threw yourself on your bed and thought of possibilities. What would even go down, will he deny things or would be truthful to you? There are only two things to think of, maybe he would tell you which answer.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now