|Chapter 42: Anger|

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Everyone had a group meeting at Leblanc to go to the next palace although you didn't go because you weren't allowed to. Not if you couldn't summon your persona again.

"Champeron Rouge... Come on... Please speak to me...! I know you're in there and I just want you to know that I need you...!" You said.

No response.

You sighed deeply, you could almost feel tears coming out of your eyes but you held them back.

If they won't let me go then I'll have to sneak into the palace and investigate for myself. Maybe even see if I can summon my persona...

You took out your phone and watched the others talking. They were about head out when you quickly hid somewhere so they wouldn't find you. You watched as they went somewhere, to a law office. They then disappeared.

I still have that app on my phone, I just have to make sure they don't catch me.

You traveled to the next palace and saw they were all walking up ahead to what seemed like a huge casino. They entered in, leaving you shocked.

"They entered in like nothing...? Is the palace owner even aware??" You wondered.

You snuck inside the palace through another way, you tried to search around and noticed shadows blocking your way.

I'll have to fight them to get past through them...!

You took off your broken mask and called out for Champeron Rouge but she didn't come out.


You used your weapon to knock the shadows down and defeat them with it.

"Champeron Rouge... Stop hiding away...!" You yelled.

You tried to rip off your mask again but nothing came out.

You couldn't help but slam your fist against the wall, feeling a little bit of anger that you had suddenly lost your ability to summon your persona.

Why... Why is this happening to me...?! Why did I suddenly lose the urge to summon my persona?! What even happened to me...?! Was it because I was asleep for days?!

You sighed deeply feeling upset about losing the ability to summon your persona. You returned back to your world, throwing yourself on your couch.

"Come to think of it... Has Maruki texted me yet?" You looked at your messages and saw no new responses.

What's taking him so long? Is he that busy or what??

You made sure to see any messages between the two of you, you were last to reply so he would have to respond your message.

Maybe I should text him again... What if he didn't see my message?

You sent another message saying "Hey Takuto! Dearie!"

No response but there was no way you were going to be impatient and not wait it out. In the mean time you turned on the tv and watched a cooking show.

You took out some cooking supplies in order to make what was on the tv. A rice ball.

You tried step by step to make a rice ball but sadly failed.

"This is hard...! Man if Takuto were here he'd reassure me and help me out...!" You sighed.

"I wonder what he's up to, I hope he's doing okay at least until now." You thought.

~~Maruki's pov~~

Work kept on piling up for me, the more patients I had to keep seeing. I need a break for once.

I stretched and yawned as I could feel myself suddenly get the urge to cook.

"I sure am hungry... I wonder what I should cook..." I thought to myself.

I got up from my seat and began to look around, I managed to take out a rice maker and some more stuff.

"Rice balls sound good!" I smiled.

I made at least 5 rice balls but yet had no one to share it with.

"If only I could share them with you Y/N..." I sighed.

There's no way I could see her, not after what I've done to her. I can't believe I used my persona against her like that. I promised I wouldn't use my powers for evil or anything like that at all, yet I used it against her to suppress her memories. She'd probably hate me if she found out what I did to her.

There was one thing that was strange that made me curious enough, it was the fact that when I tried to suppress her memories I heard a voice. A voice telling me not to do it and that I'd regret doing it. Then I felt a powerful force try to fight against me, I couldn't see it but it was almost like it was trying to protect Y/N.

"Am I... Am I really a threat to her? Lately I've felt like I've been nothing but someone or something dangerous to her. If only there was a way that I could save her... protect her from danger..." I thought to myself.

I ate a rice ball and did some small thinking. Even thinking about Y/N made me want to see her badly but...

I checked my messages with her, she had sent a new one. "Hi Takuto! Dearie!" It read. I couldn't help but smile seeing that message.

"I don't know why but that suddenly made my day... Made me feel better from such a message coming out of you. I truly don't deserve someone as great as you." I laughed.

I was about to reply to her message but something held me back, it was the thought of what I still done to her. The fact that she tried to press on a heavy question on me and instead of being truthful and answering it I had done the wrong thing. Sometimes I wonder if I hadn't suppressed her memories would she had figured out or...

Maybe I should've been honest with her, I should've confessed. I wonder what she would've thought, maybe then I wouldn't be in such a complicated situation as I am in now. Still I have to wonder what will she think when I tell her I have a place of my own? A persona of my own?

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now