|Chapter 16: If everything were different|

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~~Maruki's pov~~

Sometimes whenever I look into the mirror and see myself I can't help but see not myself but see Azathoth. I see it besides me as it whispers to me "You did the right thing." The question was... Did I do the right thing? I have those guilty feelings thinking about Rumi again.

"Rumi... I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about you... I wish I had gone back and changed everything. I think about you a lot but all of these feelings towards you hurts to think so much about. Had things been different we probably would've been together again. You probably would've been by my side, holding my hand gently telling me everything was okay." I touched the mirror with my hand.

I realized again that I was falling into the deepness again. Just so I didn't fall into a deep depression again I smacked myself on the face with both my hands.

"Takuto, this isn't like you..! You are a changed man now, a happy psychologist helping out his patients and every student who comes to you in the need of help. You wanted this, you wanted to make people happy and now it's your job to do so." I smiled.

I put on something fancy, not too fancy but something that'll make me look nice. I walked out to the shrine in Asakusa, hands in pockets as I looked around.

There was a vendor selling luck charms, love charms, little Japanese dolls, and even a small charm pebble.

"I'd like a little Japanese doll and a small charm pebble please." I gave yen to the vendor in exchange for these little gifts of mine.

I then walked away to see a fortune teller by the side. She was a blonde young looking girl with cards by the table.

"Sir.... I sense some odd presence in you... Like if you were hiding behind a past mistaken that you committed." The girl said.

I turned around to face her in surprise. Was this girl actually a real fortune teller?

"You...? What else do you know?" I asked, seeming curious as to what she was saying.

"You may get yourself into a problem, a huge gap between the two. It may be complicated but you should give it a try. It could change everything for you." The fortune teller said.

I sat down on the little chair she had set up, being intrigued about what she had mentioned.

"Tell me more, please." I pulled out yen out of my wallet and gave her some.

"Right... There's someone, someone who could help you bid farewell to that empty void of yours. They're willing to listen to you and even be with you. It may be possible of them to become a romantic interest."

"Do you know who that person is?" I asked.

"I unfortunately don't know but I do know this could be a step into new progress. A new step into a new life for you. Do pay attention to any of your surroundings and find the right person. Give this chance to move on." The fortune teller said.

"Thanks but... I'm still not sure yet... I feel upset you see." I mentioned.

"I know that, but if you're willing to push through and move on in life... Good things will come." The fortune teller smiled.

After that fortune telling I passed by Shibuya to treat myself for dinner but I took the dinner with me to enjoy eating it at Kichijoji. I sat down by a bench and prayed to myself as I began to eat the food. I then noticed a familiar person pass by.

That red hair... Rumi...?

I saw her pass by with friends as they began to talk. They all seemed happy and laughed together about stuff. Happy... They all...

I don't understand why I continue to slowly torture myself like this. I'm willing to move on and forget but being reminded of it haunts me a lot.

I stood up once I finished my food and threw trash into a trash can.

"I'm willing to move on Rumi...  I can't let my past thoughts come back and haunt me. This means I'm willing to let you go and move on but as for romance with someone else who isn't you... Maybe I'd give it a shot to see if I'll be happy." I thought to my mind, a smile on my face as I walked away.

I ended up going for a small walk around Inokashira hoping not to bump into Rumi and her friends. She did take a glance at me once but didn't say a thing.

I ended up going home and taking a small rest to myself.

I looked up the ceiling and took the bandage wraps I head on my head off. To my surprise it had already healed quickly because of my powers... I've never really told anyone about my strange powers or how I got ahold of them but even so I'd rather keep it a secret.

I was lucky that I was granted this kind of luck by something that took pity on me. If it weren't for that I probably would've been devastated at this time.

"Giving love a shot huh.... But who exactly would I give my heart to? There's no one I'm interested in or see that way. The only one I've ever been interested in was Rumi." I looked up the ceiling.

"I wish that fortune teller had told me more as to who can change my life. I'd be willing to let that person warm welcome into my life. I guess I'll have to find out on my own." I sighed.

I looked at the notes I took, a lot of them were about Y/N.

"Happiness...? What if I showed her the way towards it? What if I showed her my powers? It wouldn't be a good thing. She'd probably be against me yet..." I looked down.

I couldn't help but laugh thinking of times I spent with Y/N, I'm grateful for her.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now