|Chapter 9: Relaxed Type of Guy|

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As usual you spent about your day in class. You would mainly strike up a conversation with Akira and the others and even talked with Mishima who seemed to have taking a liking to you ever since he found out you were friends with Akira and even introduced you a website called the "Phansite". A website for the Phantom Thieves of Hearts.

You somewhat intrigued but noticed that Kawakami had her eye on you but... Why? She had seemed to stare at you in class a lot and seemed to pay attention mainly towards you.


It was that day, community clean up for all the students at Shujin. You had no clue that it would be this time of year to clean around a park. Since you wanted to prove yourself useful you looked around to see if either Ann, Ryuji, or Akira needed help but none of them acquired assistance.

"Y/N! Over here!" You heard Maruki call out to you.

He was already crowded with people which it made you not want to be around him. That swarm of girls is like a swarm of bees around honey but instead around Maruki. If you go there you'd be sting by the girl's wrath.

You acted like you didn't hear a thing and focused another direction. You sweeped around and noticed somewhere else that a little girl was around here. She seemed lost. You quickly approached the little girl.

"You shouldn't be around here alone little girl..." You looked at the little girl.

She began crying and explained how she was separated from her mother due to how she went to the bathroom and got lost.

"Is that so..? Do you last remember where your mother was?" You heard Maruki's voice say.

You looked behind you and noticed Maruki.

What is he doing here...?! He almost scared me half to death...!

The little girl explained how last saw her mom near a ice cream stand.

"Right? Why don't you follow us young one?" Maruki asked.

The little girl stood by Maruki's side holding on to his hand.

Of course she'd like Maruki more than me, he's like a calm guy who seems friendly. There's no way you'd be scared of this guy.

You felt someone touch your hand, it was the little girl. She held on to your hand as well. It almost seemed like you were the mother of this girl but... Maruki is too old, there's no possible way... They'll get the wrong idea..!

You let go of the little girl's hand in which she looked at you confused. She seemed upset that you let go.

"I-I um..." You looked the other way in embarrassment.

You noticed Maruki laughing.

He kneeled down and explained to the little girl kindly that you just didn't feel like it. She understood and held on to Maruki's hand.

So calm.... Even in a situation like this...

Maruki eventually saw a woman talking to a police officer and looked over your way. She pointed at Maruki as he was about to return the woman's daughter but the police arrested Maruki.

"Sir, you're under arrest for kidnapping." The police said.

"WHAT...?! He didn't do that...! We just returned the woman's daughter...!" You yelled at the police officer.

"You shouldn't interfere with police work kid." The police said to you.

This pissed you off, you grabbed Maruki and wrapped your arms around him, refusing to let the police take him away. There was no way you were going to let them be unfair like this.

"I refuse to let you take him away for something he didn't do..! Why don't you guys actually do your job and arrest criminals! The Phantom Thieves do a way better job than you! They even spotted Madarame..!" You yelled.

The little girl explained everything which made the police side with her and walk away. They didn't even apologize either for the misunderstanding. The woman thanked you both and gave Maruki some yen. He refused to take it being the nice guy he is so the woman gave you the yen in which you accepted.

Once you began to walk back with Maruki he looked at you with a smile.

"That was a rough day, I thought I'd be showing you how to make tea or cook but we ended up returning a lost little girl." Maruki said.

You nodded.

"Oh and... Thank you Y/N, you shouldn't have done that but thanks for defending me back there. You're a life saver." Maruki smiled.

Your face turned a bit pink.

"It was no big deal..." You pouted.

Maruki placed his hand on your head and head patted you softly. Once the two of you returned the students were worried about Maruki, giving him attention again like a swarm of bees.

Akira and the others in any case ran up to you.

"Y/N...! I hope you were okay..! What happened between you two?" Ann asked.

"A teacher and a student alone... Are you sure none of y'all are doin' that student teacher thing??" Ryuji asked.

Ann elbowed Ryuji.

"Of course not! Ryuji stop assuming such things!" Ann frowned

You looked down feeling ashamed.

"Look! Now you made her upset! This is your fault!" Ann yelled.

"Would you stop that! God I was only jokin'!" Ryuji frowned.

"Hey question Y/N, Ryuji wanted you know what your type of ideal guy is." Akira said.

"What?! No...! No way! Shut up Akira!" Ryuji tried covering Akira's mouth.

You suddenly thought about things with all the guys you've ever hung out with. You then thought about Maruki.

"Maybe someone calm and caring, understanding of others and will always be there for you." You nodded.

They looked at you in surprise, not expecting you to answer that question.

"Sounds like a type of guy the doc would be like." Ryuji said.

Ann elbowed Ryuji once again. Those two fight like some angry wife and husband.

After that long day you headed home with Akira by your side. He said his goodbye as the two of you left. You still wondered about Maruki all of a sudden.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now