|Chapter 36: Tired|

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A/N: skipping Okumura palace because why not

After a long hard working day of defeating Mr. Okumura and so much battles you felt really tired. You were stumbling a lot on your way home. You looked like a drunk person except you weren't drunk but just very tired is all.

"Is that girl drunk??" Some people whispered.

"Underaged drinking isn't allowed in Japan, how did she get her hands on alcohol?" More people whispered.

You felt embarrassed to be the center of attention around the people so you went towards an alleyway and hid there.

"Man this sucks... I've never felt this exhausted in my entire life. Puzzles and battles in these palace's just makes me tired." You sighed.

You saw text messages from your friends, they seemed to have wanted to celebrate with you somewhere around a place called "Disney Land" or something.

I would go but I'm just so exhausted... Maybe if I shut my eyes for a bit it'll all be... Alright.

You closed your eyes and dozed off. You could hear footsteps in the alleyway but you were too tired to get up.

~~Dream pov~~

You saw your persona Champeron Rouge in front of you, she was taller than you surprisingly.

"Champeron Rouge, what are you doing here?" You questioned.

She turned around to face you, since she wasn't human of course you'd expect her to look different.

"I sense a power in thou that thou may be able to develop soon." Champeron Rouge said.

"Power? What kind of power? Is it weak power or..."

"I'm not sure yet, the time has not come yet." Champeron Rouge answered.

"It's weird seeing you without even battling or taking my mask off... What's up?? Something happened Champeron Rouge?" You looked concerned for Champeron Rouge.

"I cannot trust the one with glasses." Champeron Rouge mentioned.

"The one with glasses??" You titled your head towards Champeron Rouge.

"Never mind, perhaps I'll leave it to thee to figure it on thy own." Champeron Rouge said.

"Hey, wake up." A voice echoed.

"Thou must leave now, go now." Champeron Rouge said.

"Wait, but I wanted to talk to you some more Champ!" You yelled.

"There is no time left, next time don't fall asleep in an alleyway." Champeron Rouge faded away.

~~Awake pov~~

You woke up from your nap, slightly opening your eyes to see Goro in front of you. He was kneeling down towards you.

"Are you alright Y/N?" Akechi titled his head to look at you.

"Huh....? What happened??" You asked.

"I was wondering about my day and found you here, there are better places to take a nap then the ground you know?(totally not a reference)" Akechi stood up and lended his hand to you.

You took his hand as he assisted you to get up from the ground.

"What's the matter? Why did you fall asleep in an alleyway, the most dangerous place to take a nap. You could've slept on the train or even in a library. Not in a place like this." Akechi sighed.

You noticed his coat was around you.

"You can have this back." You gave his coat to him.

"How about I walk you home? Can't trust you falling asleep in another place like this again." Akechi nodded.

You felt a little drowsy once again, almost closing your eyes.

"Let me assist you." Akechi put his arm around you.

You walked with him around to get to the train station. He made sure you got a seat on the train but the sleepiness caused you to fall asleep on his shoulder during the train ride.

~~Maruki's pov~~

I looked around taking the train and noticed a sleepy head on the train but that just wasn't any sleepyhead, it was none other than Y/N leaning on some guy's shoulder.

I walked over there can't helping but feel jealous that she's doing that to someone else.

"Is she alright?? Y/N??" I questioned.

"Let her sleep, the poor girl hasn't had her nap." The boy answered.

I know this boy from somewhere... Isn't he popular? The next high school detective prince? Yeah that's where I know him..! Goro Akechi.

"You can leave her to me if you want." I smiled.

"No, I can't trust her being around someone like YOU." Akechi answered rudely.

Is this how he's really like?? I decided to ignore what he said and tried to grab Y/N's hand but he glared at me with a face as if he wanted to kill me.

"So tell me Doctor Maruki, what wonders of dark secrets are you hiding? Perhaps you're willing to tell me." Akechi smiled.

"Dark secrets?? Why would I hide any?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb, I've been knowing for a long time already. The building you've been hiding... That's yours isn't it?" Akechi looked at me with a face.

My eyes widened but I was quick to deny that.

"It sickens me how you wish to change everything, the land of peace and smiles you want. Disgusting, utterly disgusting." Akechi answered.

I felt myself look down, was Y/N hearing this??

The train stopped, that's where Akechi helped Y/N get off. He passed by me with a smirk and stood besides me.

"And by the way, I suggest you stay away from Akira and the others if you know what's good. I'll tell them if you do." Akechi walked away.

I felt my heart race by him saying that... Was I being threatened?? Not just that but by a high school student??

"Y/N.... I hope you're alright." I thought in my mind.

The fear I have of her finding out... I don't want her to know.

~~Y/N's pov~~

You found yourself on your bed, there was a note by your small table you had that read

"I dropped you off home, hope you didn't mind me. Remember not to work yourself too much." -Akechi.

"Strange... Didn't I hear Takuto calling to me earlier or was that just my mind playing tricks on me? Hmm..." You thought to yourself but fell back asleep.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now