|Chapter 10: It's not true... Right?|

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Your thoughts were filled with nothing but Maruki. You couldn't really get your thoughts out full of him. His smile, his face, the kindness he showed towards you... It was all too much for you.

I don't get it... Why do I feel this strange thing when I think about him? The feelings have started to grow stronger. I'm just longing to see him the more I wait myself. He means a lot to me but... Wait what am I thinking...?!

You shook your head to clear your thoughts about him. Maybe it's about time you asked someone for advice.

You walked up to Mishima during lunch time to get his opinion on it.

"Y/N...? Do you not know? It's called love. When you can't help but think of someone so much and you find yourself longing to see them that's love. There's no other word for that other than love." Mishima smiled.

Love...? No way... I refuse to think it's that out of all things...

"So who's the lucky boy? Is it me by any chance? Sure, my schedule is available from-"

Before he could say anything more ridiculous you left quickly walking around and thinking about things. You pulled out your phone and typed in "why do I suddenly feel way too emotionally attached to someone"

A lot of pop ups appeared for signs of romance.

"How to tell if you have feelings for someone." One of them said.

This is embarrassing... Why am I doing this..?

You scrolled down and proceeded to look at the comments people have put.

"I've had feelings for this guy in my class, he's very cute and I think he likes me too. We hang out a lot and often see each other. Is it really love?"

"What if I have these strong thoughts over someone? Does it mean I'm in love?" Another question asked.

"Hey Y/N, what are you up to?" A familiar voice asked.

You saw Maruki besides you looking at your phone. You dropped your phone on accident seeing Maruki besides you.

"Oh dear..! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have scared you like that!" Maruki picked up your phone. Your phone was now scratched up and a bit cracked.

"It's okay... I don't really mind." You said.

You didn't really want him to blame himself.

"Should I help afford another phone for you?" Maruki asked.

"No really! It's fine, I'll work to buy a new phone. I can manage." You smiled.

"You know Y/N.... I've been thinking... Ever since you met me you seem to smile more often. Has my therapy been helping?" Maruki asked.

"I guess it has, I've been thinking on a more positive mindset and not just that but I've made friends and tend to laugh and smile more." You nodded.

"See, your answer from that question of mine proved something. You could change from therapy.... Well in a way at least... Here I thought you weren't going to changed." Maruki felt proud of himself.

You smiled.

"Oh yeah, come with me Y/N. I still have to teach you how to make that tea." Maruki said.

You followed him to his office in which he prepared a glass cup, some water, and a tea bag. You saw him move slowly as began to show you the ways to make the tea. After showing you he made the tea and even had you taste test.

"This tastes exactly like poison." You joked around.

"What...?! Really?? I'm so sorry-"

"I'm only kidding." You laughed.

Maruki laughed as well.

"Now you try it." Maruki grabbed another cup of the drawer and placed it there with a tea bag.

You agreed as you began to follow his steps from earlier, making the tea. You weren't really sure if it would be good though considering how last time you made literal poison.

"Taste test! I shall be the judge to that!" Maruki grabbed the cup and drank the tea.

You looked at him surprise, wondering if it was actually poison or tea Maruki would enjoy. He didn't look at you with a disgust face so that must mean....

"I like it! You did it correctly! Great job Y/N." Maruki praised you and gave you a head pat.

At least I finally learned.... learned that my feelings are real indeed.

Once that was over Maruki walked you outside, he thanked you and said he had such a fun time with you today.

"Oh and Y/N don't forget to keep that meditation in handy. You know in case you're ever in a bad mood or not feeling it. Or just contact me and I'll be able to give you advice." Maruki gave you a thumbs up.

"I'll do so, bye Doctor Maruki..! Take care..! Don't over work yourself alright..!" You ran off.

Take care of yourself...??! What is wrong with me..?! It's like my feelings for him has grown stronger! I feel like some schoolgirl asking a boy to take care of themselves. But I can't fall for the doctor of all people. He's older than me... and well I'm just a student...

~~Maruki's pov~~

She told me to take care... That's something I'd never hear from her until now. I'll have to admit hearing that from her made me feel special. Like if there was someone who actually cares about me.. The only one who ever cared about me that way was Rumi but...

"No... I can't be reminded of Rumi... I had to let things go for good." I walked away into my office thinking to myself.

Is this how it feels like to be happy once again...? I thought I had let things go but to think I'd be feeling this happy again...

I sat down at a chair and began to take notes, if I need to know what makes Y/N happy I'll have to take notes on it so that she's happy. I've been keeping a close eye on her but should I start doing it more often...?

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now