|Chapter 14: You shouldn't be over working yourself|

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"I'm telling you, the doc looks hella tired...!" Ryuji mentioned.

"Doc...? Doc who...?" Ann asked.

"Mr. Popular! Have you not noticed how tired he looks? He looks like he could pass out any minute. Especially with those girls around him giving him such a pain... How about I take the ladies off his hands instead." Ryuji smirked.

"Like if, you're not even attractive." Ann frowned.

"Akira...! Y/N! Tell me that's not true...! I gotta be at least hot right??!" Ryuji asked the two of you.

"I think you look great in that zomg shirt of yours." Akira said.

"That won't help...! Argh, what about you Y/N? You think I'm good lookin?" Ryuji looked towards you.

"I don't know, I'm not attracted to you." You straightforwardly admitted.

"God damnit...! What's so wrong about me..?! Is it my face? My height? Do girls like taller men? Do I need to work out?" Ryuji kept asking questions.

"It's that hair stupid, you look like a fresh banana." Ann frowned.

"What..?! Says the school slu-" Before Ryuji was about to say before you knew he was going to say Ann pulled his ear.

"Excuse me one second... It seems Mr. Blonde Bad Boy delinquent here hasn't learned his manners from his little ma ma. I'll be righttttt back!" Ann waved her finger and left pulling Ryuji's ear.

Akira looked over at you.

"So what do you think?" Akira asked.

"About Ann and Ryuji? They sound like a married couple constantly arguing with each other but then make up later on." You said.

"No, not about Ryuji and Ann... You know... About-"

"About the Phantom Thieves? I heard about them a lot from Mishima but I don't really pay attention towards it. You know what they say, don't go butting your business into anyone else's personal life." You shrugged.

"Are you really that oblivious Y/N? I'm talking about Doctor Maruki." Akira put his hand on his chin.

"Oooooh, well you should've just said so." You nodded.

"I was trying to but each time you'd interrupt me. Anyways, do you think he's over working himself too much?" Akira looked over at you.

"Yeah but it's his job as a school psychologist to check in from student to student. Of course he'd over work himself, that's how he's like." You said.

"You're his close patient out of all people. Why not check up on the good old doctor?" Akira asked.

"No thanks, I wouldn't want the wasps to sting me. I already have them glare at me but I don't want them to sting me with more insults." You looked down.

"Wasps...?" Akira asked.

"My way of saying the girls around school. You know... Because they're a representation of wasps. They surround Maruki like he's honey and when someone else tries to invade, they sting you hard." You mentioned.

"That's a good way to put it." Akira agreed with you.

"I'm sure he'd want you to visit, maybe it'd make him happy." Akira said.

"I don't know... Should I?" You asked.

"Did you two get into a fight?" Akira asked you.

"No it's not that, I just don't feel like seeing him." You sighed.

You walked away from Akira.

I didn't need myself to remind me of Maruki. This is for the best of me, I can't let these romantic feelings of mine get to me so I have to keep avoiding him until they go away. Yeah that's right, that's how it works at least.

"Ah! Hello Y/N, are you busy today...?!" You heard that friendly familiar voice

You tried to walk away but once Maruki placed his hand on to your shoulder there was no way you could escape this one now.

"Y-Yeah... You know I was just about to go out and hang out with Mishima." You lied, not turning your back towards him.

"Oh I... I understand, sorry to bother you, just let me know when you're not busy." Maruki said.

You felt the hand Maruki placed on you go away as you heard him walk away but then heard a loud THUD.

You turned around to see Maruki on the floor, he had tripped out of nowhere. Suddenly concern trigged in you as you ran over to his side.

"Doctor...?! Are you alright...?! Did you hit your head...?!" You placed your arms around him.

"Oops... That's what I get for not looking where I was going. I'll be okay Y/N, really." Maruki sounded tired.

You saw a bit of blood leak down his head.

"YOU'RE NOT OKAY...!" You ran into his office and pulled out a med-kit. You dragged him inside and pulled out some bandage wraps.

You wrapped them around his head.

"You know... Thank you Y/N, I appreciate the help." Maruki slightly smiled.

You looked down with anger on your face.

"Doctor Maruki, please stop over working yourself. You should sleep enough." You said.

"Really...? Then who's going to help all these students out?" Maruki asked.

You didn't answer, rather looked upset.

"Sorry, maybe I shouldn't be asking you questions like the-"

"I'll do it." You said.

"I'm not a doctor or psychologist but I've learned some things from you." You nodded.

"Really...? Maruki asked.

"Yeah..." You pouted.

Maruki began to laugh as you said that.

"That's adorable...! I'd imagine you in some coat and even glasses as you ask the patient how they're feeling." Maruki said.

Your face turned a bit pink.

"By the way Y/N, thanks for visiting. I probably wouldn't have listened to your advice if you haven't passed by." Maruki said.

You stood up and said ".....You're welcome." And walked away.

You could feel your heart racing again by that.

Stop... Please go away. I told you I wasn't going to pay attention to you. I hate how I'm longing to see you more and more despite the fact that I'm trying to get over you. It's not going to happen Y/N, quit liking him already.

The Change He Wanted- Takuto Maruki x reader (Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now