Chapter 46

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Blocked nose? Check.

A cactus in my throat? Check.

One cough away from being punched by everyone in class? Check.

I wheeze as I try to contain my coughs during class, not wanting to disrupt more than I have so far. I look and feel like a zombie; my hair is up in its usual style where I literally just clip it up, and I'm wearing my mom's grey jacket that is too big on me but it's warm and reminds me of home, calming me down. 

I slowly rub my chest to warm it up as I take another sip of my water, but a cough escapes me and I almost choke on my water.

"Sky, are you okay?" Miss Riley asks me with concern lacing her voice.

"I am, but may I go to the bathroom?" I croak out groggily. She nods and I instantly stand up and leave the classroom with my water bottle. I cough all the way to the bathroom, and they're only getting more violent. My lungs feel like they're on fire, and I could feel my throat being scratched to the point where I won't be surprised if I cough out blood.

I cling onto the sink as I cough more and more, feeling the gross phlegmgathering in the back of my throat. I spit it out and let out a sigh of relief, for a moment. My coughs have stopped momentarily, and I take the time to take off my glasses and splash my face with water to wake me up. I look at my reflection and put on my glasses again, my vision clearing.

My eyes have dark bags from the lack of sleep at night because of my constant coughing, and my face is paler than usual, my lips no longer having color like they usually do. My nose is red from all the tissues I've used, and it's got new pimples because apparently I have baby skin and am allergic to tissues.

The coughs return and I keep coughing until I gag, but I stop myself. I take deep breaths to calm myself. I drink more water before deciding that it won't do, so I get out of the bathroom and go to my locker, where I kept a flask of the herbal tea my mom made me.

I take a big gulp, the warm liquid soothing the pain and easing my coughs instantly. I wait until my coughs have calmed down and not as violent before I turn and walk back to class, not wanting to miss out any more on biology; it's hard enough as it is.

I knock softly before opening the door, sending the teacher a quick smile before going back to my seat, where I'm met with two pairs of concerned eyes.

Well, three, but we don't care about him anymore. 

"You have to go to a doctor." Taybh whispers to me. 

"No, I hate hospitals." I groan quietly while she and Nat glare at me.

"Girl, you literally look like a zombie." Nat whispers to me jokingly.

"What's new?" I smile at her with tired eyes. "I'll go if it gets worse, but for now I'm gonna take a nap." 

I feel my book and notebook being pulled out from under my arms and head, so I look up, seeing Taybh placing them on her desk.

"I'll take notes for you, rest." I smile gratefully at her before she and Nat argue about who gets to write me the notes. I chuckle at them and lay my head back down, and the teacher doesn't bother me, as she's seen my condition.

This is what I love most about our school, the teachers here are like friends; we call them by their first names, but respectfully, they take care of us when we're sick, and they're just really cool, and the environment is so fun and peaceful. The teachers crack jokes with us to make class lighter and more enjoyable.

I cough again and drift off to sleep, for once not worried about missing out on class.

I cough again and drift off to sleep, for once not worried about missing out on class

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