Chapter 22

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"So, class." Mr Alan spoke up, pacing around our class. "There's a photography contest, and the winner will have their pictures shown at the national gallery 2020. I know that's still a couple months away, but I want you all to participate, and it will be half of your final grade. Two students from each school participating will be chosen."

"What's the theme this year?" A girl asked.

"The theme is 'Precious', and you each need 15 pictures, one of them being your main piece."

I zone out as the teacher continues to explain more about the contest thinking about what I could take pictures of.

What's precious to me?

My family, my friends...


"Hey dude, class is over." Tim snapped me out of my thoughts, standing over me. "You okay bro?"

"Yeah." I nod. "just thinking about the contest."

"I already know what I'm going to take pictures of." He grinned as we walked out of the class together. "My sister is getting married soon and I'll be taking pictures of her special day."

"That's really nice." I smile. "Congratulations, by the way."

"Thanks." He smiled. "So, what are you going to capture?"

"Probably some moments with my friends and family, they mean a lot to me."

"I bet they'll turn out amazing." He claps my back. "Hopefully we both win."

"Even if we don't, we'll still capture some pretty awesome memories." I shrugged.

"That's what photography is all about!" He chuckled. "We should hang out more, dude."

"Oh yeah totally!"

"Oh by the way," He smiled. "Congrats on you and Sky, you got yourself a keeper."

"You know Sky?"

"Everyone does, dude." He laughed. "But yeah she and I are pretty close. She's like a sister to me, so if you hurt her you better watch your back."

"I won't." I chuckle and say bye to Tim as he goes over to his own friends while I look for my own friends and supposed girlfriend.

I find the girls over by Nat's locker and walk over to them. Once I got closer, I hold Sky's hand and twirl her around, slightly scare her.

"Peter, don't ever do that again!" She said freaked out. "I was about to punch you!"

"You can't hurt me that bad." I chuckle and roll my eyes. "I work out a lot, you know?"

"Oh buddy you have never been so wrong in your life." Anna said laughing. "She doesn't work out much and she's strong as an Ox."

"Did you just call me an ox?" Sky faked offense, putting her hand on her heart and gasping dramatically, but then instantly dropped the act and shrugged with a goofy look on her face, laughing. "I really am though. I can beat you up easily."

"Challenge accepted." I smirk at her. "Anyways, I have a photography project and I need you guys to model for me."

"I always knew I was born to be a model." Laura grinned. "We're in!"

"Gee, thanks for asking us, Laura." Anna rolled her eyes and slapped her arm making Laura jump and pout.

"Whatchu gonna do whatchu gonna do." She said back mockingly, trying so hard to keep her laughter in as the other three girls burst out laughing.

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