Chapter 33

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We just got our report cards.

My grades are...not good. They're not terrible, but compared to the amount of time I spent studying for them, they're not good at all. My average is 85.2%, my lowest average yet. My vision blurs as I look at my grades but I take a deep breath and flutter the tears away.

I just have to work harder, right? It's not like I put my entire heart, soul and mind into studying and still failed, right? 

Oh who am I kidding, I put so much work into this month and these grades are terrible. What is wrong with me? Am I just stupid? 

And to think I wanted to study astrophysics, hah. Good thing I gave up on that dream long ago, even though it hurt to let go.

I put the paper into my bag and just stared outside, ignoring anything and everything around me. I moved my foot sideways and picked at the dry skin on my lips, my mind wandering off into the corner I try to avoid.

How am I going to get in a good college like this? God, I'm so dumb. I don't even have any other talents to help me out. I'm so useless.

I mean, I draw a little, but it's nothing to keep me on my feet; I'm not even that good at it. I can't even draw from my mind, I have to have a picture in front of me to recreate, and that's not art.

I write? People are barely reading my work, and I'm not getting any feedback either, they probably hate my stories. I get it though, they can get really cringey sometimes.

I gave up on guitar a long time ago, and now my brother is becoming a guitar god while I became nothing.

Luke got all the talents. He's incredible at guitar, he can even sing sometimes, and he's been in a few movies and shows, even made some short films of his own. He is so confident and everyone loves him. 

Hell, at school most teachers know me as 'Luke's sister' and not Sky.

I don't have an ounce of his confidence. He's so social and outgoing and just an overall awesome person, and I'm this sarcastic idiot who looks like a nerd but doesn't get any grades. Luke has a great job now and I want to be like him, I truly do, but I don't think I'll ever be as successful as him.

Even at school, he didn't even try and got good grades, and here I am literally killing myself with studying and I'm getting low grades.

I sigh and take off my glasses to rub my tired eyes. Even my eyes don't work properly, they're getting worse every year and I'm so afraid I'll go blind.

I fold my arms on my desk and hide my face into them, taking a shaky breath to keep myself calm. My lower abdomen starts to hurt and I freeze. This is my 'too much stress' alarm. I gotta stop thinking about this.

It could've been worse. I can still try harder, I think. I can still see, and that's a blessing. I'm fine, this year isn't that important, next year is. I lift my head and plaster a smile on before turning to my friends and smiling at them.

"So how did you guys do?" I ask.

"Meh." Nat responds. "Better than I expected."

"I did pretty well." Peter smiled at me.

"That's awesome!" I grin.

"You okay?" Nat asked me, picking up on all my stress signs. 

"Yeah yeah, I'm awesome." I smile reassuringly. "Just a bit bummed out, but I'm good."

Peter was about to speak when Brianna called him over, asking about his grades, then proceeded to rub her grades into my face.

"I got the highest average in class!" She exclaimed. "How did you do, Sky?"

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