Chapter 34

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I literally have no idea what I'm doing lmao.


The play had just ended, and now the cast are standing in a line as they say some words about the play they just performed, each saying a line to correspond with the sin or virtue they played out.

Humility: This play has a message.

Pride: We want you to look deep inside.

Diligence: What do you see?

Sloth: Are you a sin or a virtue?

Patience: Truth is, you shouldn't be either.

Wrath: We're all humans. We aren't perfect.

Charity: We have all these characteristics in us.

Greed: And we can't push them away. We have to face them.

Temperance: And the first step to that is accepting it.

Gluttony: We shouldn't try to be just one of them. The concept of the yin and yang is there for a reason.

Kindness: We need balance in our lives, in everything. Or it will be disastrous.

Envy: Everything has something to oppose it. Light and dark, good and evil...even you have someone who is the opposite.

Chastity: And most times, we forget to look on the bright side of things.

Lust: The sins are known to be villains of various stories, with the virtues being the heroes. But it could easily be the other way around.

Humility: If we're always accepting of who we are now, we'll never aim for something better, but we still need to be humble.

Pride: and we have to be confident. How can we face life if we think we're not enough? We need pride.

Diligence: We need to take action; we can't just lie around and do nothing. But there's always a limit.

Sloth: We can't forget to rest. Without it we'll just overwork ourselves and be depressed. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't do anything.

Patience: We have to be patient in everything. Everything will turn out well in the end. But you need to work for it.

Wrath: Anger is one emotion that everyone can show. It lets off steam. But we have to learn to control it.

Charity: It's always good to be generous, that is until you forget about yourself. You have to think about yourself too.

Greed: Thinking about yourself every once in a while is healthy. You'll need to save some stuff up sometimes. You can't just give everything.

Temperance: A lot of things in life are intriguing, but they're not always good. You need to restrain yourself sometimes.

Gluttony: Eating is a must in our lives. Yet so many people have eating disorders, those who barely eat, and those who eat a lot. There's a healthy amount that we should stick to.

Kindness: We should all be kind to everyone. But sometimes people will take advantage of that. Make sure that people are worthy of your full kindness.

Envy: Envy will make you pay attention to others, which will help you learn on how to be a better person. Though that's no reason to be jealous or mean.

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