Chapter 18

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I am absolutely doomed.

I am the fake girlfriend of Peter Thompson.

Aka, 'the hottest guy at school'.

What do couples even do? What do I have to do?

Ugh I hate this. 

I don't hate Peter, obviously, he's amazing, but I hate being in a fake relationship.

Mostly because more people will pay attention to me, and knowing the girls in my school, they will try to sabotage me.

And I was doing so well in having a drama free high school experience.

I can feel the glares of Dianna on me as we sit in class. Brianna glances my way, but makes sure no one sees it.

But I see it. I always see her, even when no one does.

News spread around pretty fast about me and Peter, and to say everyone was shocked would be an understatement. The girls I'm friends with congratulated me, and the rest scoffed as they passed me by.

I'm used to weird looks when my best friends and I are being crazy, but this is different. I don't care about my reputation -to a limit obviously- but now it has the reputation of someone else, and if it's ruined, it's all my fault.

I didn't tell Peter how nervous and scared this made me, because he looked so guilty and I know how it feels to do something out of panic, and it ain't pretty.

I can't even focus anymore. I miss being invisible.

"Sky, are you ready to present?" I gulp and nod nervously before I stand up and walk to the front of the class, where my teacher was standing to present my speaking speech.

We had been asked to prepare a talk for our speaking marks in this class, and while making up the words comes naturally to me, presenting it is always harder, depending on what I'm talking about.

And this time, it's about our plans for the future.

I have no idea what I want to do yet, and the thought scares me to death every night, keeping me awake. 

And with all the class staring at me, some with judging glares, I feel my breath get caught in my throat as my heart beats faster and my face turns red. 

"The future is unknown, but that doesn't stop us from dreaming about it." I say quietly and glance at Nat who gives me an encouraging smile. My eyes then meet Peter's and he gives me a thumbs up. 

"Can you raise your voice please?" I nodded, but inside I died.

Watch my voice crack just because I'm in front of people.

"The future is unknown, but that doesn't stop us from dreaming about it." I repeat louder and clearer, trying my best to actually breathe while I secretly picked the skin around my nails. "But unfortunately, I don't know what I want to study at college, or what job I want. But that doesn't matter, because I have a goal, which is to travel the world and learn about all the different cultures."

My nerves eased a little as I only looked at the wall behind, creating the illusion that I'm making eye contact with everyone. If I did make eye contact, I would freak out.

"And I also want to learn as many languages as I can, so I thought maybe I would study English Literature, but I'm not so sure." I get nervous again and stutter.

"Truth is, I don't know where I'm going." I admit, glancing at my friends for some confidence. "But no matter how much you plan, it's never guaranteed to happen. So why should I waste my present with the future? I'm fine with where I am, and that's all that matters." I end my speech and smile shyly at my teacher who grinned kindly at me and retook her place in front of the place, telling me I did great before I went back to my seat, instantly letting out a breath of relief when it was someone else's turn to go up. 

"you really don't have a plan for the future?" Peter whispered to me, and I shook my head.

"I do, but I'm not going to tell everyone." I said. "I'd rather accomplish something before I share about it."

"That's," He paused for a moment, just looking at me with a smile. "That's really admirable." 

I blush and thank him before looking down and letting my hair cover my face.

I feel Nat tap my shoulder so I turn to her, my blush still on my face. She smirks and wiggles her eyebrows. I roll my eyes but smile nonetheless making her chuckle.

Soon it was Peter's turn to go up.

"In my future, I hope for a family." He smiled, confidently speaking in front of the class. He looked so calm and collected, unlike me.

God, he's going to hate me now that we're 'dating'.

"I want to work in a creative field, something that allows me to do things differently and not have a routine, but stable enough to be able to support a family. Maybe a travel journalist, I could take pictures of different travel sites for companies; that way I could earn money and still travel while pursuing my passion. And one day, I'll find a girl to marry, and we'll have children. We'll be the happiest family, and I would give them everything." He said the last part while glancing at me with a smile.

I blush, but quickly remind myself that this isn't real. He doesn't like me, he just wants the other girls to back off of him.

But nevertheless, his future dreams are sweet. He looks like the type that would prefer going solo for as long as he could, but he really wants a family of his own, and I think that's a great future.

Ms. Willow thanked him and said he did really well before she called on the next student. 

He came back to his desk and sat, shooting me a smile, and behind him I could see Dianna and Eve scowling at me, and Brianna shot me a subtle smug smirk before turning back to the front.

I ignored their looks and smiled back at Peter, telling him what I thought about what he said, making his ears and cheeks redden.

Brianna was up next, and everyone looked at her in admiration. She threw her perfectly straightened blonde hair over her shoulder before looking at everyone with a kind smile, her eyes lingering on me.

"I see my future as a to do list, since I have every part of it planned." She looks at me and continues. "And I know it will all come true, because I'm actually working for it starting from now." She turned to look at the class.

"My future will be bright and amazing!" She grinned. "I'll study to become a great doctor and save lives, while also maintaining my model career which I already have right now. I'm going to spend the money I earn to help the less fortunate, even start a charity or two."


She could very easily do that right now, but she won't.

I would know, because Nat, Laura, Anna and I always volunteer at our local charities to help out as much as we can. Not a single time has Brianna or her family been mentioned around the charities, and you never will see her face around these places; unless of course it were to be broadcasted.

I looked down at the doodles on my notebook as I chewed on my lower lip and picked the skin around my nails again, ignoring the burning sensation of it going too far. 

I felt Peter staring at me as Nat put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me, noticing the way Brianna spoke when she looked at me.

He put his hand on top of mine, stopping me from picking at my skin as he gave me a worried look. I hid my emotions and smiled at him reassuringly, mouthing 'I'm okay' to him without my smile even faltering.

Faking a smile is easy once you care about the people around you more than yourself. 

Plus, I've had years of experience.

Well that got dark lmao.

Let me know what you think in the comments, I'd love to see your guys' reactions and opinions, even if you hate it.

But I hope you liked it...I worked hard on it.

Anybody else totally lost on their future and also running out of time to figure everything out?

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