Chapter 4

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We get to the cafeteria, Peter's arm still around my shoulder, which is strange because usually if anyone touched me I would twist their arm behind their back and threaten them to leave me alone.

But I didn't do that. 

I'm just blushing really hard.

Laura and Anna spot us and they exchange smirks, seeing the position I'm in. I dare to look up at Peter, since he's taller than me, and I see him glaring. I follow his gaze and see Kevin staring at us, a wicked grin on his face.

At the same time, I see Brianna and Dianna glaring at me, and I can't help but shoot them a smile, annoying them more.

I ignore them and head to my friends, my mood uplifted by a lot.

"Sup crackheads!" I exclaim, running to them. "How's 10th grade?"

"Oh shut up," Laura groans. "You know exactly how it is."

"Yeah," Nat and I laugh. "I honestly pity you two."

"At least you have a bunch of prank victims!" Nat said and I nodded along with her.

"Oh no, they're coming." Anna deadpans and jumps behind Laura. "Hide me!"

"We're out!" Laura and Anna back away. "See you at our spot."

I sigh as I watch them run away.

"You wanna buy anything or do you have your lunch already?" I ask both Nat and Peter.

"I got mine already, you guys?" Nat asks.

"Same here." Peter says.

"Peter!" A couple of girls call him and his eyes widen, removing his arm from around me, and I feel a chill from the absence of his warmth.

"Run!" I exclaim and was about to run away with Nat and Peter's hands in mine but I halt in my steps. "Unless you want to stay and make some friends?" I ask Peter.

"No!" He shakes his head quickly and we start running again.

We go to the field and see Laura and Anna already sat at our spot and eating their lunches. We walk over and sit next to them on the fake grass, the aroma of burnt plastic filling our noses.

I take out my apple and start eating it, joining the conversation with my friends.

"Dude," Anna grabbed our attention, pulling her long thick curly hair away from her face. "I realized that you can legit kill someone and bury them in a fake or already existing grave and no one would find them.."

I don't think she noticed that Peter is with us, because if she did she would go quiet and we'd all be awkward. So I take the chance and don't even mention it and carry on the conversation.

"Or if you're bored and wanna have a little excitement," I start. "You can put clues that would lead to a certain place, and have the body temporarily hidden somewhere else, so after the police search the place you lead them to, you put the body there. They won't go back to the same place twice."

"Yes." Nat said after a while of us just taking in the information, and also eating more of our food.

Because food is life.

Even if I don't eat much. Food is still life.

So is water.

I look over next to me, seeing Peter slowly chewing his sandwich with wide, scared eyes. I laugh at his face until I snort, which is an unpleasant sound, no matter what Nat says. Upon hearing my laugh, the rest of the girls start to laugh as well. 

My laughs are hilarious.

Sometimes I get stuck in a loop of laughing at my own laugh. It's literally endless.

"Oh my god!" I laugh lighter now, removing my glasses to wipe the tears that escaped. "Your face was priceless!"

"Excuse me for being scared of psychopaths!" Peter defended himself.

"We just watch a lot of true crime, we also hate people." Laura explained. "But we are crazy."

I giggle and bring out my 'annoying bitch voice' "Omg we're so quirky!"

"Omg I know right!" Nat says, also in her own version of the voice.

"Like," Anna starts, putting a hand on her hip. "We're so weird!"

"We're not like the other girls!" Laura scoffs.

"Totally!" We all fake an obnoxious laugh but then burst out into real laughter as we all clutch our stomachs and struggle to breathe. 

I lose balance and fall sideways onto Peter, but he doesn't seem to mind as he holds me and smiles at me softly. 

My laughter dies down and I sit back up, blushing and making my already red face redder. I smile at Peter and turn back to my friends who also just finished laughing. I see Anna smirking at me, gesturing to Peter. She then whispers something to Nat and she squeals, looking over at me.

I have an idea what they said.

I finish my apple and aim the core of it for the closest trash can. I then throw it and it falls in perfectly.

"THAT WAS A TOTAL 3 POINTER!" I cheer, letting out my excited demon voice as I high five Nat.

"Speaking of," Peter said. "I heard you talk about basketball. Are there sports teams?"

I nod at him before I start explaining.

"We have a football team and a basketball team, tho the basketball team is only for girls."

"Sky and I are on the team actually."

We fist bump because we're that cool.

"You should totally check Sky out while she plays" Anna swiftly says, looking at me innocently as if she didn't just tell Peter to check me out.

Nat caught on to what Anna was doing soon and grinned.

"She's the best. I'm pretty sure she'll be chosen as captain this year."

"Wait, we're changing captains this year?" I asked, ignoring the impressed look on Peter's face, and Laura's wiggly eyebrows.

"Yup." Nat popped the p. "Since it's Marissa's last year in the team, they want to choose another captain this year so they'll have experience for next year too."

"Makes sense." I shrug. "But it's not going to be me."

"Well you have my vote."

"We heard the games are starting from this weekend?" Laura asked.

"Where do you guys get all these information and how the hell do I miss them? I'm literally with you guys all the time!" I whine.

Everyone laughs at me and I pout. Just at that moment a beautiful blue butterfly flies by us and my eyes catch it. I get overexcited and stand up grinning as I follow it.

"A butterfly!!"

I hear Nat say "That's why." Followed by the laughter of my friends.

Eh what the hell, at least they're happy.

And I got a really cool picture of the butterfly!

Wait...please don't tell me I'll go back in time now.

I hesitantly raise my arm and close my eyes before reopening them again, sighing in relief when I see I'm still in the field with my friends.

"Uhh, Sky?" Peter calls out. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, just testing if I could go back in time or not."

"Oh the blue butterfly!" Anna exclaimed. "Just like Life is Strange!"

"My god I'm friends with a bunch of nerds." Laura says shaking her head.

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