Chapter 41

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We've been back at school for around a week so far.

Which means; I've seen the faces of people I hate...and just people in general. But then again I always prefer the second semester to the first because we get to do so many more activities; like club competitions, field trips, the talent show, and of course, junior prom.

And obviously, with school comes studying.

You know that thing you despise that causes you so much pain and suffering yet you can't quit it?

No not your ex, I'm talking about math! Seriously if you thought about your ex you have a problem, get over it; there's a reason you broke up.

Speaking of math, I've gotten way better at it so I'm really happy. I actually enjoy math class more than some other classes now.

History, I'm looking at you.

The girls and I are at the cafeteria, Peter is held back with photography because they're discussing submissions to the contest we modeled for. 

Now he has Brianna to model for him at his internship. I'm not jealous, in fact I'm so happy he has this chance, it could really help him out if he wants to make a career out of it, I'm just annoyed at how Brianna managed to make herself the hero once again.

I really need to become more social, like Luke has told me, it doesn't matter how good you are at something, what matters is who you know.

Society sucks, but you gotta adapt, I guess. Let's hope these so called adults leave us an earth to live in, seriously how hard is it to actually care about nature? Humans confuse me.

"Nah, new years is overrated." I munch on my apple. "I literally spent my new years eve driving over people with my brother."

"In a game, right?" Nat asked concerned.

"Sure." I trail off mysteriously just to mess with her. She scoots away from me and we laugh.

"I dropped my phone on my face when it hit midnight." Anna recalled.

"Hey, ladies!" A chirpy voice greeted us as she sat on our lunch table. "If I can call you that, that is."

"Aw, got bored waiting for puberty to hit?" Laura says sarcastically with a roll of her eyes and I don't even try to hide my laughter.

"Not what Pete said." She recovered from the shock and smirked, and I nodded along sarcastically to get rid of her faster. "Anyways, did you enjoy being in the crowd while I got a certificate again?"

"His name is Peter. And sorry to break it to you, but almost everyone fell asleep at the assembly." Nat forced a smile.

"Yeah, plus it's not like you were the only one, tons of kids got the same certificates." I tell her.

"You're just jealous I know more languages than you." She laughs and my head snaps up as I glance at my friends with a knowing look then turn back to her.

If there's anything I overachieve in, it's foreign languages. I've always loved learning about different cultures and their languages, and learning them has been easy for me, like I have some magical ability to pick up on multiple languages. Of course, I personally like to achieve in silence, only letting my close friends and family know.

Brianna just made the biggest mistake by bragging to me about this.

"How many do you know?" I ask with a knowing smile.

"I know three." She scoffs at us like she's superior. "More than you will ever know."

I'm wearing my red leather jacket today, so I'm feeling quite confident. I chuckle and stand up facing her and crossing my arms as I stand straight, because leaning is for losers.

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