Chapter 7

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School has ended.

I repeat.

School has ended.

"FREEDOOOOM!!!" I yell as I run out the school doors with my friends.

I got weird looks from everyone around me, but I know they're all thinking the same thing. They're just too scared to say what's in their hearts.

It's easier to let out when you don't have a heart.

(Imagine me doing a peace sign and a duck-face to make it reach maximum annoyance.)

"Do you do that every time you come out of school?" Peter laughed.

"Nah." I pause. "Just every Friday."

We walk to the other building to pick up the little siblings.

"Aww, I can't believe Leena started kindergarten!" I exclaim, feeling like a proud soccer mom.

Would a basketball mom be more fitting for me?

Whatever. A mom is a mom and in this group I am the mom.

Mama bear mode 24/7.

Wow I ramble a lot in my mind...I should pay more attention to reality.

"Peter what's your sister's name?" Laura asks.

"Which one?"

"Oh you have more siblings?" I ask and he nods.

"My 5 year old sister is called Katherine, Kat for short." He explains. "And my older sister, who is 23, is called Megan."

"Oh, cool!" I smile. "I've always wanted to have a sister."

"You don't." They all said in the same time.

Okay that was creepy, I got chills.

Wait a minute, I'm a sister! Does that mean my brother doesn't want me?

Actually, thinking back at the numerous times I pranked and annoyed him...I wouldn't be surprised.

Nah he loves me. He's the one who asked for a sister in the first place.

Now he must pay the consequences.

"Are you close to your family?" Anna wonders.

"Yeah we've always been super close." He replied and Anna smiled to herself, content with his answer.

We arrive at the other building and walk inside, heading towards the kindergarten.

We say hi to the teacher and Leena spots us and immediately runs to us and hugs Natalie as she begins to ramble on about her first day of school.

Aw she's adorable!

"School is so much fun! I made so many new friends and," she paused to think of her next words.

She won't be saying that in a few years, just watch.

"and we played with toys and the teacher gave us cookies!"

Laura smirks and looks at us as we all give her death glares.

"Laura you bit-" I stop Anna from cursing in front of all the little children and smiled apologetically at the teacher.

Anna then licked my palm and I pulled it away quickly, grossed out by that.

"Just so you know, I pushed emo dude with this hand."


Peter looks around and finds his little sister and calls her over. I look to see an adorable little girl with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes wearing a cute little dress run to Peter with a bright smile on her face. He picks her up and spins her around as she giggles and he hugs her tightly before pulling away and asking about her day with a smile on her face.

Sure just melt my nonexistent heart, it's not like I need one anyways.

I smile at my friends interacting with their little sisters. I look over to Anna, noticing she's standing a bit farther away on her phone, and laugh.

Anna and I are such opposites, yet somehow we still have so much in common. While she despises kids and thinks of them as monsters, I love them a lot.

I still think they're monsters though.

But that's exactly why I love them. They will say whatever is on their mind, and don't give a fudge what people think of them.

Nat, Laura and Leena were the first to see me with my new glasses, and when I asked little Leena if she liked it she straight up said she didn't like them.

I love how brutal they are.

Kids also love me a lot for whatever reason, maybe it's because I have the mindset of a child. My mom once said that children just know good people when they see them, and I never felt more proud of myself than at that moment.

Hehe, one time I was at the hospital with my mom, and despite me being 15, I still had to see a kid doctor.

Everyone in the waiting room was a baby. The oldest other than me being a four year old.

Anyways, a mother walked in with her baby, and it was clear he had just learned how to walk. They sat next to me, and the entire time the baby kept staring at me. I smiled at him and he giggled. He was so adorable.

Then they had to leave, and he still kept staring at me as his mom lead him out, and since he wasn't watching where he was going, he hit the door and fell. Even then he kept looking at me.

The only attention I get is from babies.

And animals.

Explains why Kevin is after me.

Does that make me a Disney princess?

"Kat, meet my friend Sky." Peter comes over to me with a soft smile, his sister still in his arms. She giggles and lays her head on his chest as she waves at me shyly. "She's our next door neighbor too!"

"Hi Kat!" I smile kindly and wave back.  "I love your dress."

"Thank you!" Her eyes brighten up as she gains more confidence around me. "Look it has Minnie Mouse on it!"

My heart can't take this much cuteness oh my god I'm crying.

"I love Minnie and Mickey!" I exclaim and show her my bag, which had a Mickey Mouse charm attached to it. "See?"

She giggles again and looks at me in wonder. She turns to Peter and says "She's really pretty..."

"Yeah, she really is." Peter looks at me and smiles. I blush furiously and shy away at his gaze. He chuckles at that and grins.

I'm not dead, you are.

I turn to Nat and Laura, throwing my hair in my face to hide my tomato face.

"Where is Eli?" I ask.

"He went to his friend's house." Nat said. "I think."

"Natalie!" Laura exclaimed. "What do you mean you think? Call him!"

"Ugh fine."

I chuckle and shake my head as we all start to walk out of the building, Anna being the first to get out of it.

I let out a sigh of relief as I remember my bed and cozy pajamas that are waiting for me back home.

Usually the girls and I would be hanging out after school, but Nat and Laura are visiting their grandparents today. And Anna just got hit by a wave of laziness.

I need a nap anyway, so it's fine by me.

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