Chapter 27

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I narrow my eyes at my partner after he throws a balled up piece of paper at my face, hitting my glasses.

"Really?" I say more than ask and roll my eyes. I take the paper ball and throw it back at him, but he ducks and it hits some other kid sitting behind him.

"Sorry..." I say quietly to the kid when I walk over to get the piece of paper to throw in the recycling bin.

"I hate you." I say to a laughing Tim when I sit back down in front of him at our table in the library.

"Aww, I hate you too!" He puts a hand on his heart. I give in and start laughing as well.

"I hate it when they leave the topic open." I groan, slamming my head on the desk after I take off my glasses. 

"I know right?" He says taking my glasses and wearing them. "Holy shit, how do you see in these?"

"Ironically, I can't see well without them."

"Damn you're blind." We laugh and he takes them off, giving them back to me. I put them on and blink a few times to adjust.

"Okay seriously though, we haven't even chosen a topic yet." I say. 

"How about drugs or something?" He suggests.

"I heard Emo dude and his group of idiots were doing that." I scrunch my face in disgust at the mention of them. Tim laughs at my hatred of them.

"I'm still waiting for the day you beat the shit out of him." He chuckles, scribbling down on his notebook. 

"Just his existence annoys me." I chuckle. "I can totally beat him up, but I kinda wanna stay in school."

The next song on my playlist comes on and both of us snap our heads up and we grin at each other.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask with a smile, looking into his green eyes.

"When have I not?" He grins back.

We laugh and start writing down some points to make into a whole entire debate later on. The silence is not at all awkward between us, it's actually relaxing. The song had mentioned anxiety, and instantly our minds went to the pros and cons of anxiety.

"Do you want to be the opposer or the proposer?" I ask him.

"Let's just write down both sides and then we can practice and see which one you're more confident in presenting."

I nod with a smile, happy that he cares about my comfort level. Tim isn't like this to most people; he's usually closed off and very rarely smiles.

Back in seventh grade, a teacher offered him extra marks if he kept a genuine smile on his face. And she gave him a nickname that I will never let him live it down.


He hates it, which is why I love it.

We have a lot of nickname wars, but his main nickname is timtam. He is a literal meme.

And to think our entire friendship started with fart jokes. I'm not even kidding, we made fart jokes and only got closer every year. Everyone ships us to death, but we don't really care for relationships, they're just unnecessary drama. The girls finally gave up on the ship though; now that Peter has come.

"Remember when I was taller than you?" I say out loud, laughing as I reminisce our memories.

"Don't remind me of the dark days." He shivers and laughs. "I was so ugly."

"You still are." I joke. He isn't ugly, he's just an idiot.

"I am you." He says, looking directly into my eyes. 

"Buddy, have you seen me?" I raise an eyebrow and chuckle.

"Yeah you're pretty fugly too." He jokes and we laugh.

Ah, roasts; the backbone of our friendship. 

"Have you had any tenth graders after you yet?" I chuckle.

"Thankfully no, they've seen Peter so I'm back into my invisible hole." He says. Tim is the ideal description of a guy; really tall, green eyes, brown hair, smart and well built.

He just has some pimples, but at this age, who doesn't?

He's a sarcastic asshole too, but I'm not one to talk, since I am too.

"I've been meaning to ask you," he started, leaning back in his chair. "Are you and Peter dating for real?"

Oh no.

"Uhh," my mind blanks. "Of course, what are you talking about?"

"Sky, I know you." He says with a knowing smile. "You don't let anyone in that fast and you hate the thought of dating in high school. What's going on?"

I sigh, knowing I can't keep the act up. Tim really knows me too well.

"Girls have been bugging him a lot and he freaked out and said I'm his girlfriend."

"Are you comfortable with it?"

"Not really, but it's keeping Kevin away too, and I can't back out now." I look down.

"Sky," he frowns. "You need to start putting yourself first!"

"I know, but-"

"But what?" He cuts me off. "Sky, this isn't healthy."

"I'm fine, Tim." I smile reassuringly. "Thanks."

"I'm always here for you, Sky." He smiles at me. "But you should do something about it before it causes trouble."

"I will." I nod.

"Do you think Brianna is planning something?" He wonders.

"How come?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"It's no coincidence that she broke up with Justin same day you two were 'official'." He put air quotations with his words. "And now they're partnered up? Something smells fishy."

"Probably her makeup." I shrug and laugh, making Tim smile. "It is weird, but it's not like I can do anything."

"Peter's a good guy," Tim says. "But I feel like he's hiding a side of himself."

"You know, I've kinda been having that feeling too lately." I say.

"We gotta be careful around him." He says, tapping his pen on his notebook. "I swear if he hurts you..."

"We'll stab him with a banana." I smile, making him smile too.

"Keep me updated, yeah?" I smile and nod at him.

"Will do."

I know no one is reading this at the moment, but whatever year you're reading this in, please let me know what you think!


What do you think of Tim?

Team Sketer or Sim? 

Don't forget to vote, please!

I know I said this before, but I want to make writing a career and I need to know if I'm good enough. So please leave comments and tell me your honest opinion about things.

I hope you all enjoy reading this book, and thank you so much for reading my cringey work.

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