Chapter 35

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"Dude, come on!" I huff impatiently. "We're gonna be late!"

"Chill, we're not gonna be late." Luke replied calmly as he fixed his hair. 

"The movie starts at 2:30, and it takes us half an hour to get there, hoping there is no traffic. It's 1:56 now, and you're still doing your hair!" I flail my arms around in annoyance. 

Every time we're going to the movies, he does this. He has no respect for time. I on the other hand am a time freak, I hate being late or too early, so I always calculate everything. 

Not soon enough, Luke finally finished getting ready and we headed out the door to his car. 

"Take care of your sister, Luke." My mom said. "Sky, stick to Luke at all times."

"You got it, Mom." I smile and wave at her as I get in the car with Luke, who also says goodbye to mom and reassures her that he will take care of me.

I connect my phone to the aux cord and play my rock playlist. Thankfully, my brother and I have the same taste in music, with a couple artists that only one of us likes. When I was a kid, my brother was going through his 'not a phase' phase where all he listened to was hardcore rock, and I naturally started loving them.

Imagine a 3 year old girl singing along to wrestler theme songs. That was me.

So because of that, rock music is my genuine favorite type of music, and not just a phase. Luke stopped listening to rock for a while, but since he started with his guitar, he rejoined the dark side. Which is awesome for me because I finally have a rock buddy!

There was a kid in my class who I found out that he listens to the same bands I do, and we kinda bonded over that. We're pretty good friends.

My brother sings loudly and I sing under my breath, hating the way my voice sounds. I sing around my friends, but never my family. I don't know why, I just can't.

We arrive at the mall where the cinema is and I rush inside seeing the time on my phone. Luke was by my side and as we got to the cinema lobby, he went to get our tickets while I stood awkwardly next to him. I looked over to the snack bar and saw a very long and crowded line.

No popcorn for this movie. I'm so making him buy me overpriced ice cream.

 We get the tickets and I push Luke away from the snack line and to the correct room where we hand in our tickets and the guy gives us our 3D glasses and the rest of our tickets. I take the tickets and put them in my purse with the rest of the tickets that live there.

I like collecting them, a reminder of all the awesome days with my brother.

We find our seats and sit down, watching the last ad before the movie starts. I swear if we didn't make it in time I would have ripped his head off.

I put on the 3D glasses over my normal ones once the movie starts and I make myself comfortable for the next two hours.

I put on the 3D glasses over my normal ones once the movie starts and I make myself comfortable for the next two hours

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