Chapter 11

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Dinner is awkward.

Well, not really...I'm the awkward one. The dinner is fine, everyone is happy as they talk about whatever it is they're talking about -I keep spacing out so I honestly don't know- and enjoying their food.

My main focus is not spilling my food or choke on it; because for some reason whenever I'm eating with another family, I end up embarrassing myself.

Despite my clumsiness, I have great table manners, thanks to my days of research about princess rules.

A writer's gotta do what a writer's gotta do, you know?

Shocking, I know. The nerd likes writing.

But so does Anna, so I'm not alone in this. We have our own little fan club for our books.

"Sky, tell us more about yourself!" Mrs. Thompson said as she took another bite out of her plate of butter chicken.

"Oh um," I get flustered and look down, not noticing the smile exchange between Megan and Peter. "There's nothing much honestly, I play basketball...and read a lot." I laugh nervously.

Why is it when someone asks me about me, I forget everything there is to know about me? Is this some sort of exam curse or something? Why are brains so weird? What is the point of learning something when your brain decides that it doesn't need the information and yeets it out of your head when someone asks you a certain question? 

"She also writes." My mom casually throws in.

Oh no. 

This is my end.

Goodbye, you confusing and sometimes really mean life.

"Really?" Peter asks surprised.

I nod shyly with an awkward smile. "I do, but it's not like writing writing..." I laugh nervously, noticing all eyes on me. "Just some random little stories, not a big deal."

"I think that's great, actually!" Mr Thompson exclaimed. "I used to write too when I was your age, I just wish I kept it up."

"You have?" I asked, genuinely interested in what he's saying, and feeling more comfortable talking now. "What did you write about?"

"I really liked to write about time travel-" He cut himself off as he just smiled at me with a raised eyebrow. "I see what you're doing. You're trying to put the attention on me, aren't you?"

"Guilty." I grin sheepishly and everyone laughs lightheartedly. 

"Pretty and smart..." I hear Peter mumble to himself as he smiled at me. I blush deeply, knowing I probably wasn't supposed to hear that. 

"Are you currently working on anything?" Megan asked me kindly.

"Yeah," I get a little excited, since I'm actually kind of proud of this book. "It's called Crownless."

"What's it about?" Peter asks from next to me.

"Well, it's about three princesses who are sent to live a normal life in order to see which one of them is more fit to be queen, but they don't know that. They learn a lot more about who they are and what they truly want in life. Obviously there's a romance arc in it as well, between the youngest princess and her new best friend. There's also a villain, who finds out about their identities as royals since he attended the coronation of one of them, as he is a prince himself. Then he forces the youngest princess to marry him or their kingdoms will go to war, and that's when her best friend finds out who she really is, and gets heartbroken because he is in love with her." I smile sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm rambling. I got excited."

"Don't apologize, sweetie." Mrs Thompson reassured me. "It sounds really interesting! I hope you can get it published one day."

"Yeah, I'm sure it'd be a hit!" Megan exclaimed.

"Thanks." I laugh and blush.

We continued dinner and I slowly got less nervous around Peter and his family. My mom told us she'd handle the table, so I suggested that me, Peter and Megan go up to my room, since I had promised Megan that I'd do her nails. Kat wanted to stay with her mom, so she didn't come.

"You can sit anywhere you want." I tell them. I already put an extra blanket on my bed in case they wanted to sit there.

What? I'm a clean freak when it comes to my bed! 

"I like your room." Peter said and I smiled at him as a thank you.

"So Megan," I start off.

"You can call me Meg."

"Okay then, Meg," I smile, showing my collection of nail polishes under my vanity. My dad built this showcase shelf; it's like a mini closet for my nail polishes! "What do you want me to do?"

"You can do anything?" She asks.

"Pretty much."

"Oh wow!" She pulls out her phone. "Hold on, I have to google some designs."

"Hey, Sky?" Peter said and I looked at him with a small smile for him to continue. "Is it okay if I hang around you and your group tomorrow too?"

"Of course you can, Peter." I laugh. "We were kind of hoping you'd join our friend group if you wanted."

"Oh my god, please!" He sighed. "I don't want any drama with all those girls."

"They feed off drama." I laughed. "They'll try their best to get close to you, so watch out."

"Shouldn't you be watching out too?" He asked. "Since you're the girl I'm hanging out with?"

"Yeah, but I know their tricks." I laugh. "So do my friends, so we're all good. It's our classmates I should be afraid of."

"Ugh." He scoffed in disgust. "Kevin is the worst."

 "He's tolerable." I said, surprised at how much Peter seems to hate him. "The girls in that group however, are not."

Meg found a design she really liked and I got started on it, carrying out the conversation with both of them. First I started with a base coat and waited for it to dry before I used a colored nail polish on her nails.

I use my tools to draw the designs on her nails, biting on my lower lip, a sign of me focusing really hard on something.

We grew silent for a while as I got to the intricate details.

Unknown to me, Peter was staring at me the entire time, as his sister kept looking between us with a grin on her face.  

Yes I did reference my own book. Who's gonna sue me? Me?

Hope you guys liked this chapter!

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And if you have any theories on what could happen next, let me know. I'd love to see where your mind is taking you with this story!

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