Chapter 48

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I know nobody cares but today marks my 4 year anniversary as a writer!! July 22nd will always be a special day for me. I started out writing a very awful fanfic but now I'm writing completely original books and I'm genuinely proud of them. I hope you guys love my stories just as much as I do.

 I hope you guys love my stories just as much as I do

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"Oh my god, I'm gonna die!" Anna panics and I place my hands on her shoulders firmly and shake her.

"You're not going to die!" I exclaim with wide eyes.

"Yeah, girl, you're literally the most talented one of us!" Nat agrees.

"No." She points at her and I let go of her shoulders. "But you guys know how I get in front of crowds."

"Look, we all hate the stage-"

"Not me!" Laura interjects.

"Most of us," I glance at Laura "Hate the stage. Sure, our anxiety isn't as bad as yours, but we're going to be up there with you the whole time."

"I'm going to fall and embarrass myself!"

"You're not going to fall!" Nat chuckles.

"Worst case scenario; we don't win." I shrug.

"Actually the worst case scenario is falling off stage and dying, or a stage prop falling on you-"

"Not helping, Laura." Nat puts her hand on her mouth to stop her from freaking out Anna more. "I have to admit tho, I wish Peter was here; he had an important part in this performance."

"Well he's gone." I sigh sadly but cover it up with a look of determination. "But we don't need him; you're all amazing and talented, and we're going to rock this!"

"Yeah but Peter-"

"Peter walked out on us." My voice strains as my heart aches. "And I'll be damned if I let that stop us."

"You're hurting." Nat states, staring at me sadly.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows, my ears tinting red and I shake my head. "I'm not hurt, I don't care about him."

"Yes, you do." Anna says. "Because that's who you are, Sky; you care about people."

"And we could tell you're hurting; you're heartbroken." Laura says crossing her arms.

"Bold of you to assume I have a heart." I joke with a laugh, but they just stare at me with the famous look of 'Really bro?', it's a real expression, I swear. 

"You know you don't have to hide anything from us, right?"

"Yeah." I sigh with a smile. "Fine, I am hurt; a lot actually. But there's nothing I can do."

"You guys are next." One of the teachers tell us and we get ready to go up and perform our little song and dance number.

We all put our hands out and place it on top of each other before we exchange smiles and nods.

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