Chapter 3

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We say bye to Laura and Anna as they leave to their own class and we go to our own.

"Where do you plan on sitting?" I ask Peter as we walk to our class.

"You could sit next to us if you want." Nat suggests. "I'll be the furthest back, and Sky will be in front of me."

"Yeah sure, I don't really wanna sit next to people I don't know."

"Especially not Dianna." I snicker, sharing a knowing glance with Nat who also chuckles.

"Who's she?" He asks.

I just smile and open the classroom door and enter, obviously seeing Dianna, Brianna, Kevin, Eve and Justin all huddled up around Kevin's desk.

I try to walk to the other end of the class, by the windows to my usual seat, hoping to go unnoticed by that group.

Unfortunately they spot me and Kevin smirks before yelling to get my attention.

"Baby blue!" He yells teasingly.

I groan quietly and continue looking out the window, ignoring him completely.

"Skyyyy!" He kept calling me.

I turn around on my heels and give him my most sarcastic smile.

"Kevin." Lord give me power to not punch him right now. "I told you a million times, don't call me that."

"But I missed you!" He smirked and winked at me while his friends just snickered.

Ew. Just ew.

"And I miss every moment of my life where I haven't met you yet."

"Aw c'mon," He walks closer, his gross smirk only growing bigger. "Don't play so hard to get."

"Buddy, the only thing I play is basketball."

His eyes turn to Peter and his smirk disappears.


"Who are you?" He nods at him.


He looks between us two and smirks again. Dammit. He turns to his friends and laughs.

"Looks like baby blue got herself a little boyfriend."

I turn around and sit in my seat, Nat following behind and sitting behind me. We do what we always do, which is ignore them until they get bored and walk away. Peter gets what we're doing and joins us as we talk among ourselves about random things.

Kevin finally leaves us alone, but I notice the girls eyeing Peter, and usually that makes me really uncomfortable.

But this time it's making me mad.

I shake off my thoughts and continue to talk to my friends.

"Why is he like this?" Peter asked, somewhat annoyed and bothered by him.

"Ugh" I groan. "We call him emo dude. You can probably tell why." I snicker.

Kevin has a long fringe covering his eyes. Yes, he has a fringe in 2019, and yet they call us lame.

(A crazy AU in which 2020 won't be apocalyptic.)

"He doesn't even like her." Nat explains. "She and I are usually targets to be made fun of, but honestly we couldn't care less."

"What do they even make fun of?" Peter asked.

"I've been with most of this class since first grade, and as a kid I was really chubby, up until last year." I explain. "And them being all scrawny and all, made fun of me behind my back, thinking I couldn't hear them. And she was the new quiet kid who didn't talk to anyone."

"I never really had my own group of friends that I'd stick around all the time, I mean yeah there are some pretty nice people in our class, but I never was able to be myself. That is until I met Nat in 7th grade. She was super shy and quiet in class, but I liked her. She then introduced me to her sis, Laura, and she introduced me to Anna, who has been attending here for a while, but like I said, I hate their class. Plus, she thought I was a bitch." I snorted, recalling the memory.

"What? Why?" Peter laughed along with me and Nat.

"It's the hair." Nat explained. "She used to have REALLY long hair, unfortunately I missed it, but with the length and color, she thought she'd be like the other mean girls in her class."

"Yeah you have really nice hair I'm not gonna lie."

I blush and thank him for his complement.

The teacher then walked in and gave us the annual speech of how we're grown up now and shouldn't cause chaos in classes anymore.

Also keeps reminding us of our exams that will be a huge part of our college credit and bla bla bla.

I'll spare you the details of the next few classes, mostly because I was half asleep in them all and barely remember what anyone said.

We were packing our things when Dianna and Brianna came up to Peter and sat on his desk.

"Hey, Pete." They greeted flirtatiously, aka annoyingly.

I took a deep breath and calm myself before I slap them.

I knew I hated them a lot, but damn, this much? This is new.

"You know, you could hang out with us instead of these children." Dianna said obnoxiously loud as she crossed her arms, nodding our way. Brianna nodded along, smiling oh so sweetly at him.

Don't be fooled, Brianna is the worst one of them all.

"I uhh," Peter stuttered. "I kinda want to stick with them, sorry."

I felt myself smile and I looked at Nat, seeing her smile too and wiggle her eyebrows at me, making me roll my eyes, but my smile not fading.

"Really?" Brianna asked, shock clear in her voice.

"But they're so childish!" Dianna groaned.

"Well then I guess I'm a child too." Peter said and turned his back on them as he smiled at us two, and we smiled back. We all wore our bags and went to the cafeteria.

"I think it's time to go shoe shopping again." I laugh.

"Round 2?" Nat laughs, and I nod.

"Still here, guys." Peter reminded us and we laughed harder.

"She kept calling me childish a lot a couple years ago, so I bought looney tunes sneakers and wore them every day."

"Sky, you're awesome." Peter laughs and puts an arm around my shoulder again.

Okay what turns the switch on in him? Why does he suddenly get all confident and flirty?

Great, first day of school and I'm already confused.

Hey guys!! I hope you guys are liking this story so far!! I have big plans for this book, so please vote and possibly share, it'd mean the world to me.

I have some other finished books, I highly recommend Crownless, so maybe check that one out too.

Please comment what you think of the story, I would love to hear your thoughts!

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