Chapter 56

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"Hey dad?" I sheepishly grin at him, bouncing on my heels. My dad starts laughing, knowing from the tone of my voice that I want something.

"What is it?" He laughs.

"Can you give me 30 dollars for books?" I smile innocently.

"You just bought some books!" He argues.

"Yeah, but I finished them." I shrug. "It's 7 books, dad!" 

"I'll think about it." He teases me, looking away.

"Oh come on, please!" I beg him. "It's books! What else is better than books? They're good for the brain!"

"If you had a brain in the first place." Luke laughs, ruffling my hair as he passes me. I glare at him and kick his butt, making him turn around and look me in the eyes, his playful glare matching mine. He walks closer and I stand my ground. He pinches my cheeks, but because I have chubby cheeks, his actions hurt a lot, so I pinch his cheeks back hard, making him pinch mine harder.

"You let go and I'll let go." I say, laughing at us.

"No, you let go and I'll let go!" I let go and so does he as we rub our now red cheeks. 

"I don't like you." I say and he turns around, gasping dramatically, looking at me like I just shot him.

"You don't?"

"Nope." I shrug.

"Sky!" He gasps again, putting a hand on his heart. "You love me though."

"Do I?"

"Sky!" He gasps again, making a funny mad face before he charges and carries me over his shoulder, running around with me as I hit his back. He starts spinning around, refusing to let me down, so I reach down and give him a wedgie, to which he laughs in pain.

"Let me down and I'll let go!"

"Never!" I pull harder and he succumbs to my evil side, putting me down and glaring at me playfully, not able to hold back his laughter. 

"That hurt!"

"That was the point!" I exclaim.

"I'll get you back, just wait." He points at me.

"Hey, no fair!" I exclaim. "You always tickle me and I do nothing, this was my revenge!"

"Well, I'm getting revenge on your revenge."

"Then I'll get revenge on your revenge!"

"Fine then-"

"What is going on with you two?" My mom stares at us with her arms crossed.

"Just...playing." I smile innocently like we didn't just almost have a wrestling match, which isn't uncommon for us. Luke puts an arm around my shoulder as he smiles at my mom too.

"Just don't kill each other." She sarcastically shakes her head at us.

"No promises." We both say and go back to our cat chase.

" We both say and go back to our cat chase

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