Chapter 13

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I have a really hard math exam tomorrow but do I care? Yes. But do I study for it? Barely. Do I feel guilty? Very. Am I gonna study more? Nope.

On with the story!

On with the story!

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Our teams were introduced after the two cheerleader teams performed one of their cheers. We were now huddled up for one last pep talk before we get in position.

"Got anything to say, captain?" Stormie smiled at me.

"Stick to the plan and we'll intimidate the hell out of them." I smirk. "Queens, prepare to crush our enemies! We're going to win this; I have no doubt about it. And remember, be prepared for anything." I put my hand in the middle, as they all put their own on top.

We nod three times, our grins only growing before we yell together.


The main five, including me and Nat step onto the court in our positions. Nat being the tallest in our team is standing in the center circle for the jump ball. The referee blew on his whistle as he threw the ball up, both girls jumping with it, trying to pass it to their own team.

Unfortunately, the opposing team got the ball, since they're all much taller than us. We get into our defense mode and get in place, trying to stop the player from getting to our basket. Debby manages to steal the ball and starts travelling to the other side of the court, us following behind to help her out, two of us staying back for emergency defense.

I notice her trying to go for a shot, but another player from the other team is about to stop her. I run as fast as I could, blocking that player by standing on front of them, my feet positioned apart to stop her from going around easily, my arms tucked in slightly to make me more stable, letting Debby go for the shot. I see her doing a lay up, and I instantly roll from my screen position as I get ready to rebound the ball, which hit the rim of the basket but fell out last second. I jump and retrieve it, taking a second to look around me. The other team is stopping the players from my team to get to me and help, so I'm all alone. I'm too close to the basket to be able to make the shot, so I very carefully turn over without my opponent snatching the ball from me. I trick them with my movements and act as if I'm about to throw it to one of my teammates, but really I jump and shoot the ball straight into the basket, earning us two points.

Nat and I high five as we pass each other while we get into our other defense position; triangle and two. I'm standing in the tip of the triangle we made, just over at the free throw line. The other team doesn't even make it into our half before my girls got the ball and assisted each other until the end where they shot another goal.

We kept playing with full intensity in each round. We were currently taking a five minute break between the two rounds, and I drank some water, but not much so I can still play. We discuss some more plans before we have to back in. I spot my friends and family all cheering for me; they even have signs and all.

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