Damn I miss December

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Edd's POV:

"I'm sorry, D." (y/n) said sleepily into the phone. I lay on my side in bed, (y/n) trying to console me. I was still upset over his parents bailing on me. It was one in the morning and neither of us were sleeping, studying, or anything of the like. Out my window I could see Ed's basement light was out, meaning he was probably snoozing away inside, and Eddy's bedroom curtains were drawn shut. I shivered under the covers. "It's fine, (y/n). Thank you for staying up with me."

"Of course babe." he/she chirped back. "You're not gonna be alone on Christmas. Imagine that! It sounds so sad..." 

"I know." My mind flashed back to last December. My parents had stayed late at work, and it was nearing midnight on Christmas Eve. I was huddled on the kitchen floor, hoping to hear the door crack open. I fell asleep before that ever happened.

"Double D?" (y/n) asked, "I just remembered... what were you thanking Kevin for the other time?"

"Oh... well I guess it's time you hear the story." I sighed. "When everything happened, with Marie, before you were around... and Eddy and I had been fighting... I felt so alone.  And then one day the Kankers came up to me in school, back before they dropped out. They were pushing me around, saying Marie would do it again, and damn I believed her. But Kevin came up to us....

"Hey, dorks! Step away from him!" Kevin stood tall and confident in the school hallway. 

"The hell do you want, ginger?" Rumbled Lee's voice.

"Look who's talkin'." Kevin snapped. Marie looked him in the face and then slapped me in the chest. "Yo! You don't get to touch him like that!"

"What are you gonna do about it?"

"...so, Kevin got them to back off. He fought for me. And I just never said thank you before."

"Is that when you and Kevin...?"

"Yeah. I couldn't resist him. But now... my brain only wants to think about you baby."

"Same here, D. But maybe we should be friends with Kevin. I know he's a dumb jock but he seems cool."

"Yeah, you're right. If he'd ever hang out with us... I guess there's no harm in asking." I felt my lids growing heavy. "You need to get some rest."

"Well so do you, D."

"Mmm...hmm..." The phone dropped from my hand and I was out like a light before I could even hang up. 

Your POV:

"WooOooOOoo!" Ed yelled as he zoomed around the grocery store of the back of the shopping cart. Finals were a success, and Double D finally looked happy. He was standing up straighter, and smiling as he watches us goof around. Eddy jogged up to us with an armload of hot chocolate boxes. "So... should we tell him?" he asked. 

I nodded. "Hey Double D!"

"Hm?" Double D looked up from the row of candles he was examining. 

"We have a plan Double D!" Ed shouted.

"So," Explained Eddy, "On Christmas Eve, we're all gonna sneak up into your room and stay up all night, then go home before our parents wake up."

"We want to spend the holiday together, because I mean... we spend most days together." I said. 

Double D's eyes watered. "Why, that's a great idea." He quivered. "T-thank you." We all hugged him in the candle isle. 

On Christmas Eve night, I walked in the cul-de-sac, clad with a sweater, jean jacket and pajama pants, carrying a bag of marshmallows. As I approaches Double D's house, he flung open the door, light from the house stabbing the darkness. "Come on in!" 

"Double D!" I whispered. "I thought we were sneaking in!" 

"Why? My parents are out, remember?"

"Oh." I grabbed his hand and walked inside.

"Sup (y/n)." said Eddy, handing me some hot chocolate. 

"Sup." I held up the bag of marshmallows. "Eddy... what happened to your face?" There was a raised bruise alone his cheekbone, a cut on his chin, and his eye was even more purple and swollen than before. "My brother beat me up."

"Oh, Eddy."

"I know." said Double D. "I keep giving him ice but he won't keep it on."

"My parents took away my stairs again, so I just climbed out the window." Said Ed casually.  

"That's disturbing." I noted. 

"That's just what I said." sighed Double D. "But, tonight we have each other, and it doesn't matter who hasn't been there for us lately." 

"Cheers to that homie!" cheered Eddy, raising his mug. And we blasted metal covers of Christmas songs into the night. 

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