Kanker Sore

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"(y/n), Nazz girl looks as if to have pickled eels within the soul. Do you know what it is that frazzles her such?"

"Rolf, didn't we talk about personal space?"Rolf backed away from my ear, which he was practically inside of. "Thank you." I said "I think I know what's up with Nazz... I mean, Kevin cheated." 

"Yes well, a son of a shepherd knows not about emotions." 

"That's... a bit scary, Rolf. Your dad is a shepherd?"

"Yes. He herds the sheep every day." 

"Okay... well, I could talk to Nazz and tell you what she says." Rolf grinned.

"Yes, yes. Now Rolf must leave as the brocoli stalks grow towards the moon."

"Sure, Rolf." The bell rang to signify the end of the day and Rolf and I packed up to leave our history class. I saw Nazz heading out the door and rushed after her. I caught up to Nazz in the hallway. "Hey Nazz!"


"H-how are you doing?" Nazz shrugged.

"I guess I'm ok. Kev and I are back together, but only on the condition that he'll stop drinking like a frat boy. I mean, he was so drunk he kissed a dude!" 

"Right, yeah. I'm sure that's the only reason he did that." 

"Yeah, I'm sure too. Anyway, how's it going with you and Double D?" 
"Wait, what?" 

"I mean, come on. You're so obvious. But just watch out for Marie Kanker and her sisters."

"Who's that?"

"Marie is Double D's ex girlfriend. It ended pretty rough. See ya dude!" Nazz scampered away. Wow. I guess I'd better look out for this Marie person. "(y/n)!" Called out a shrill voice. "Eddy-"

"Come hang out with us. You can come to our secret spot, nobody else allowed to bug us." 

"Sure." We left school and walked for a while, until we were on the edge of town. Double D walked beside me, while Ed and Eddy stayed in front of us, leading the way and argued about... well I wasn't quite sure what. "So." began Double D. "How are your classes?" I sighed.

"Dragging by. If we weren't lab partners, I think I'd be failing science."

"Well, perhaps we should study together soon."

"I would like that." At that moment, we approached a junkyard. Well, it looked as if a junkyard were just about to sink into a swamp. "Here we are!" Screeched Eddy.

"Uh...wow." I said, trying not to sound amused. 

"(y/n) has met some fellas from the wrong side of the tracks Eddy!" Blared Ed, startling some crows nearby. 

I chuckled. "Whatever, Ed. Let's go." The Eds lead me to an old suburban with flat tires just chilling in the middle of the junk swamp. "This place is rather unsanitary," said Double D, "But I admit, it's nice when nobody knows where we are." We climbed into the back of the truck, the floor of which was covered with comics and magazines. We hung out for a few hours, and it was nice to just chill and have friends who seemed nice. Suddenly, there was a knock on the window, which made us all jump. "Hey, Eds!" Bellowed a low, stuffy voice. Even more startling was the immediate look of rage on Eddy's face. He kicked open the back door of the truck and hopped out. "Hiii Edyyyy." Droned the same voice. 

"Get lost!" I peered out curiously and saw three girls, about our age, all scantally clad. The one Eddy was shouting at specifically, was a tall redhead with curly bangs flopping over here eyes. "Or what?"

"Or...or I'll..." Eddy sputtered uncontrollably. 

"Hey Double D." I whispered, "What's going on? Double D?" Double D looked as if he's seen a ghost. He looked pale and sweaty, even trembling. "...what's wrong?" Double D just kept staring into space. "(y/n)" whispered Ed. "That's Marie Kanker." He pointed out the window at a thin girl with short, dyed blue hair. "Oh." I gasped. The redhead stuck her head in the door. "Hey, Double D." She called out tauntingly. 

"Shut up, Lee!" Screeched Eddy. "Leave us alone." A blonde girl with rather large front teeth pointed at me. "Who's this, Eddy?"

"I'm (y/n)." I said, glaring at them each in turn. 

"Ohh, I see." Hollered Marie. "Watch out for Double D. He doesn't know what he wants." Eddy finally boiled over. "Kankers get lost!" he seethed, grabbing the back of Lee's shirt and yanking her out of the truck and throwing her on the ground. "Jeez, fine. Let's go, girls." We all sat there stunned. What the hell was that all about? 

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