Part 2

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Hi all! Just so you know I added more to the 1st part of this chapter, in case you want to go back and read it. I realized it was very short. Hopefully my writers block will keep easing up lol. 

Your POV:

"Good morning D." I yawned getting into Eddy's car. Eddy cleared his throat. "And everyone else I guess." I amended. 

"Wow you seem tired." said Double D, grabbing my thigh and putting it on top of his. 

"Yeah. I wanted to finish playing Night in the Woods."

Double D shook his head. "And here I was thinking you'd stayed up late studying..."

"Oh." I said. "Right. That's what I meant." 

"I'm nervous for that freaking health final." Said Eddy, swerving to avoid a pothole. 

"Why?" asked Double D. "All you need to know for that class is how to not get pregnant."

"Well," grumbled Eddy, "With my luck I will end up pregnant." 

"Aww!" exclaimed Ed, stroking Eddy's abdominal area from the passenger seat. "Am I gonna be an aunt or an uncle?" 

"LUMPY!" screeched Eddy, taking his hands off the wheel to swat Ed away."

"EDDY!" screamed Double D. "Eyes on the road!" He leaned back onto my shoulder. "He's gonna give me a stroke someday, (y/n). You missed the turn!" 

"Sorry, jeez." said Eddy, popping a U turn and swerving into the drivethru at dunkin donuts. 

"I'm sorry Eddy... I didn't mean to sound angry. I just need some caffeine." 

"Same." I mumbled, slipping in and out of consciousness. "Finals week is really tearing you up huh?"

"It always does." Double D yawned. "I worry about my grades."

"Even though he's basically at the top of our class!" shouted Eddy. 

"Well," I said, "Maybe after we take our tests today, we can chill at my house to celebrate."

The boys all murmured in agreement. We bought our coffee and drove to school. 

I sipped on my coffee, aware of the bags under my eyes, as Double D and I walked down the hall. A figure wearing a football letter jacket and orange-red hair approached. "So Double D." said Kevin. "I hear you're Mr. popular now. Everyone's crushing on you!"

Double D blushed. "Kevin, what do you want? If you're crushing on me too you're gonna have to forget about it."

"Oh come on." Kevin rolled his eyes. "You really think I'd go after an old flame sober? Nah. I just wanted to say thank you. I don't drink anymore. Maybe I'll try again when I'm at the appropriate age, but right now I have bigger things to focus on. I might even get my football scholarship back!" 

"That's great Kevin. I... um... I should thank you too." Double D and Kevin made eye contact for an awkward amount of time, then Double D cleared his throat and said "Well, nice to see you Kevin but now I have to go fail my exams bye!" 

"Bye, dork." Kevin smiled and squeezed Double D's shoulder as he walked by. That was weird... was there something going on with him and Kevin I didn't know about? I realized I was being silly. Double D has never lied to me, or at least I'd never caught him in it. But Kevin just bugged me sometimes. We stopped at Double D's first class. "You're gonna do great." I told him, putting my hands on his shoulders. "But good luck."

He looked down, blushing and reaching up to rub my hand. "Thanks, (y/n)."

After school we all went back to my place. Double D went into the bathroom and as soon as he closed the door Ed was all up in my face. "(y/n), you should use our advice now." 

"Why?" I asked, throwing him off. Then I remembered Kevin at school, and it made me jealous. Maybe if I was a bit more forward, Double D wouldn't have another crush on Kevin.  "Ugh, okay. You guys just play along." I whispered. Double D came back and we all sat in the couch trying to look natural. 

"So, Minecraft or Subnautica?" He asked. 

"Actually," I said, "Tomorrow is the last day of finals so I thought we could all study." Double D raised an eyebrow. 


"Yeah." Ed and Eddy nodded. 

"Um, right." squeaked Eddy. "I need help with... pregnancy class. Or, health I mean!"

Double D grinned joyously.  "Well, then. Better get to it!" Eddy and Ed stared at me as Double D dug books out of his bag. I glared back; they were being so obvious! Taking the clue I said, "So, how about we start with flashcards?" 

"Sure." Said Double D. "Ed, you have your math final in the morning right? What part of algebra are you having trouble with?"

"Uh, numbers." They both started laughing. 

"Actually, D." I interrupted, "Let's help Eddy study for health. We can talk about... anatomy." Eddy cringed but I ignored him. "Like for example... like what causes an erection?"

"I... don't think that's on the test." 

"But do you know the answer?"

"Um. Blood. Next question." I moved over to him and sat on his lap. 

"How about we look at these together? This is um... isosceles triangle..."

"(y/n)... maybe we can do this later... when we're alone?  Without triangles?" 

"Oh um, okay," I fumbled, spilling flashcards over both of our laps. 

He sighed. "What's going on?"

Ed spoke up. "I told him/her to get your attention with studying."

"Well, (y/n) already has my attention, and studying is the east sexy scenario you could have picked! Stop spreading rumors about me Ed!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Oh my-" Double D trailed off, looking down at his phone. 

"What's up?" I asked. He just stared. "Double D?" I asked, touching his shoulder. 

"My parents aren't coming home for Christmas. They're working... of course. Just telling me now." 

"Oh... D." 

"Yeah." He sniffled. "I'm gonna be alone another holiday."

"No you're not." said Eddy, stepping closer. "This break is gonna be a shitshow, and that's why we have each other. The four of us are gonna be just fine." 

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