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 We absolutely booked it out of those woods. I knew those sisters were weird, but jeez! We ran stumbling over rocks down to the creek. "Are they still following us?" Ed gasped. 

"I don't know." I panted back, looking around. "But Double D, that was awesome!"

"No." He wheezed, "No, now those creeps are after us with a weapon!" 

"It's just a knife, Double D." said Eddy, brushing the dirt off his jeans from when he'd fallen while running. But I could still see Double D smiling in the dark.  

"Thanks, Eddy. You really stand up for me every time."

"Of course, Sockhead. Now shut up so they can't hear us." We sort of crept around in the bushes until we made our way back to the cul-de-sac. I almost had a heart attack when a redheaded girl was suddenly screaming very close to my ear. "Where have you guys been?"

"Sarah, we got chased by the Kankers." Explained Ed. 

"What? You're still getting beat up by those girls? They're going to be bullying you until you're 40 at this rate! And mom says it's time to come home!" 

"Okay, Sarah! Just please chill!" Ed turned to look at us. "Goodnight guys."

"Goodnight Ed!" The rest of us had no curfew, so we hung out on the porch until everyone else went home. "Double D," said Eddy, "Why couldn't you have sprung for some 'special' soda?" 

"Because, I don't want Kevin drinking. Or you for that matter." 

Eddy sighed. "Fine. But I'm heading to bed. I got a test first thing." 

I yawned. "G'night Eddy." Double D was slumped against the wall of his house with his arm around my shoulders. "So... D. What'd you wanna do? Double D?" I noticed that he was actually asleep already, his head dropped onto my shoulder. I laughed softly. "Hey, you." I was so tired that I drifted off to sleep too. 

I woke up to Double D nudging me awake. "You'd better get home, (y/n)." I stretched and grumbled. "mmmkay."  

I practically stumbled all the way home, so it helped to have Double D to lean on. 

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