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Your POV:
I was anxiously sitting in health class, still confused about Double D leaving so suddenly. Had I said something wrong? Maybe he just doesn't like me. My thoughts were interrupted by Double D himself, shuffling into class. "Double D!" He took a seat next to me, but said nothing. "I was worried about you!"
"Oh, I'm alright." His eyes looked red-almost swollen.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. It's just my allergies." Well, I had noticed Double D sneezing a lot. Maybe he really was okay. I didn't know him that well after all... maybe he just acts a bit strange. I decided to stop asking for now. After class, we spoke again.
"Listen, (y/n), I'm terribly sorry about just leaving like that yesterday. I hope to make it up to you." 
"Hey, it's chill." I told him. "We can hang out again soon?"
"Yes, absolutely. In fact, there's a party in my neighborhood coming up."

"Oh, tight. Where do you live?" 

"In the cul-de-sack next to the creek and the playground over by 11th."

"Sweet. Just text me your address and I'll be there. You know who else is going?"

"Kevin and Nazz, Jonny two-by-four, the Eds, of course, oh, Rolf, and then Ed's sister Sarah and her friend Jimmy."

"Wow. Quite a crowd. I didn't know Ed had a sister."

"Why yes, she's a freshman." Double D chuckled. "She used to have the biggest crush on me in middle school. She's very... um, spirited." 

I laughed. "You're hilarious, Double D. Let's go get lunch. I'll bet Eddy is stoked for another strategy meeting." 

At the lunch table, Eddy greeted us. "What's up sockhead, (y/n)."

"Oh nothing much." answered Double D. "(y/n) has just agreed to be my date to the cul-de-sac party." Eddy stared at us with a wide eyed, mouth agape expression. For a few moments, the only sound was Ed shoveling chocolate pudding down his neck. "...That is.. to say that...(y/n) should accompany all three of us! To the party. If he/she wants to. I mean, we're all friends, right?" Double D seemed to be sweating significantly more than he was before. I mean jeez, I knew we were getting to be good friends, but was I getting completely friendzoned? I noticed all the Eds staring at me. "Uh, yes, yeah. Let's all go in a group. We're buds now, ya know?"

Double D grinned at me. "Well then. Yes. It will be a great time. Right Eddy?"

"Uh.. yeah! Can't wait." Eddy's voice seemed to have risen a few octaves... why were the boys acting so strange? 

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