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Edd's POV

 I went to my room, set down by bag, crawled into bed and started crying. I had a crush on (y/n). I liked him/her so much. Did I just blow it with my awkwardness? My mother heard my sobs and called down the hall. "Edward, are you alright?"

"Y-yes. It's nothing, mother." I sniffled, wiping away the tears. My phone buzzed in my pocked. It was a text from Eddy.

Eddy: Hey sockhead, how was your date?

Me: It wasn't a date, Eddy. We just played video games.

Eddy: Whatevr. 

Me: Nvrmind. Goodnight Eddy.

I awoke the next morning, eyes still red and puffy. I said goodbye to the cul-de-sac for the day and headed to school, feeling like a zombie. I met Eddy in the hall at our lockers before first period history. "What's up, sockhead? You look dead."
"Only on the inside, Eddy."
"Well, what's your problem?"
"Eddy... I have to tell you something. I don't want to, but I'll explode if I can't tell anyone."
"Go for it Double D."
"I have a crush on that new guy/girl (y/n)."
"Wait actually?" Eddy exclaimed. "I was just joking about it being a date. What about Kevin?"
"Exactly." I groaned, "What about Kevin? He and Nazz have been going out for months. He's moved on. Anything we almost had between us is dust. He doesn't even talk to me anymore." I was just getting that overwhelmed way I get. I felt the tears coming back and ran into the bathroom. "Double D! Wait!" Called Eddy, running in after me. He knocked loudly on the door of the stall. "Forget about Kevin, okay? He's a chump. I know he was your friend last year, but he never liked me or Ed anyway."
"You don't understand, Eddy!" I wailed. "He stood up to the Kanker sisters for me when everyone else was too afraid!" There was a long pause from Eddy, and then a sigh. "Double D, come out. We're almost late."
"No!" I cried out, admittedly being very dramatic. "Look, sockhead. The Kanker sisters don't even go here anymore. They aren't going to try anything. I say you date that new kid. It's time to move on from your past flings."
Catching my breath, I said "You're right Eddy. It's time I forgot these previous flames. But... I have no idea if (y/n) feels the same way."
"Well then, I guess we'll just have to find out."

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