New Beginning

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I woke up Monday morning in a daze, still wearing my clothes from the dance. I guess I had fallen asleep right after getting home. When I became more coherent, I remembered- Double D! We'd kissed last night. I smiled. I'd never been so excited about a guy. 

Me: Good mornin

Sockhead: Good morning! Sleep well?

Me: Sure did :) 

Sockhead: Same <3

Me: <3

Edd's POV: I was up with the sun as usual, but extra enthused today. As I was picking out one of my identical black beanies in from my closet, my phone started blowing up. It was Ed. 

Ed: DOUBLE D!!! I am sorry! I'm sorry I told (y/n) that Eddy liked him/her!

Me: It's quite alright, Ed. Things worked out. I think (y/n) might even want to be my boy/girlfriend.

Ed: ???

Me: I'll tell you more at school. Getting a call from Eddy.

I answered the phone. "Hey, Eddy. Can't this wait till lunch?"

"C'mon Sockhead, I just wanted to ask if you're mad at me for telling your secret."

"No, Eddy I'm not mad. It ended up doing me a lot of good."

"Wait... how's that?"

"You'll see. Bye Eddy!" 

"Double-" I hung up. 

When (y/n) and I walked into the cafeteria holding hands at lunch, a lot of people stared. Most of all, Eddy, Kevin and Nazz. We sat down at the table with Ed and Eddy. "Wow." Sneered Eddy. "It's about time, Sockhead. Who's the best wingman ever?" 

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