Green Eyed Ed

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Your POV:

After school, Double D and I headed back to the swamp, just the two of us. I stumbled, but he caught me by the shoulder and kept his arm around me. We climbed again in the back of the broken down vehicle. "Come here, (y/n)." He took me in his arms and pulled me close. He began kissing my neck, and jaw, up to my cheek. Our faces were so close, and I began drawing his body closer. We were making out quietly, until the handle on the back of the car started rattling. I looked over at it out of the corner of my eye, but Double D didn't stop, he just held on to the back of my head and kissed me. The door creaked open and Eddy peered in. "Hey!" he yelled at us. Double D stopped for a moment and gazed drearily at Eddy, then suddenly seemed to wake from whatever trance he was in. "Eddy! Get out!" 

"No! What are you two doing here?" 

"What does it look like? Go away!"

"Huh. Guess things are really heating up with you two." said Eddy, almost in a whimper.

"What's your problem, Eddy?" I asked him. 

"Right now you're my problem, (y/n)." Eddy spun around dramatically and began to storm away, but I jumped out of the van and grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him to face me. I jumped back an inch in surprise seeing the tears streaking his face. "Get off me (y/n)." He choked, then continued stomping away. I looked over at Double D. 

"What the hell?" I croaked.

"I... I don't know. That was so strange. I don't get it. He's the one who practically set us up, why is he upset that we're doing well? That I'm actually having fun for once in my high school career!"

"I don't know." I sat back down beside him. "Should we get back to it?"

He grinned at me. "Hell yeah."

Edd's POV:

(y/n) walked me home after we were done messing around. She/he kissed me goodnight, and we both giggled as I closed the door. I sighed happily and leaned against the door of my house. As I went up to my room, I remembered our odd encounter with Eddy. I flopped down on my bed, deciding to give him a call and pulling out my phone. "Eddy?" I said softly when he picked up. "I'm sorry about earlier. Please help me understand."

"Double D I- I don't even understand. I never guessed I would ever admit this as long as I live, but I... I need you, Sockhead. And when I see you with him/her... I get, well... I feel jealous!" 

I finally understood. It made so much sense. "Oh, Eddy." I said, trying to sound comforting. "Of course! I'm so sorry. I've never had friends in Peach Creek besides you and Ed, and now you have to share me three ways! I don't blame you for being jealous of all the time I'm spending with (y/n) instead of you. But, she/he is my girl/boyfriend. And she/he can never replace you. Does that help?" 

Eddy went silent for a few moments. "I... yeah. Um, thanks." He sounded hesitant and a bit sad, but I shrugged it off, happy to have the issue resolved. 

"Okay! Well, I'll see you in class?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah. See you." 

"Great! Goodnight."

"Night, Sockhead." 

I hung up, layed down and smiled at the ceiling. I should have just talked to him earlier! That was easy. 

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