Day 2

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Your POV:

My alarm blared on Tuesday morning, and I opened my still hazy eyes. I had been up late listening to music and my head was pounding from school stress and lack of sleep. "Ow." I groaned. My phone chimed and I squinted to look at it. A text from Ed? Oh yeah, I guess I had given him my number. I'm really trying to make friends here! The text read:

Ed: (y/n), it is Ed from Peach Creek high school, where you sat next to me in English 3. 

Me: Good morning Ed :)

Ed: You should sit with my friends again today at lunch.

Me: I will. Who else would I sit with?

Ed. Idk. But you're our friend now, right?

Me: Yeah, Ed. 

Ed: :D

Me: Okay, I have to get ready for school. I'll see you in a few. 

"Oh man," I thought, "Second day and I'm already running late..." I quickly brushed out my hair,  then threw on a t-shirt, jeans and a baseball hat. I rushed out the door into the foggy morning. 

Our teacher was late to English again. Man, what is it with these guys? "So," said Ed, "Why aren't you in English 4 with other seniors?"

"Oh, my credits transferred all weird." I answered. "It's no big deal, we only need 3 to graduate here anyway. What about you?"

"I failed out. Last year, this class was really difficult. Double D tried to help me, but I just didn't get it. So I have to take it again." 

"Oh. Well, you'll get it this time bud." Ed brightened. I noticed a kid sitting in the back of the room, leaning back in his chair and spinning around a plank of wood in his hands. I leaned next to Ed and whispered "Who's that kid with the board?"

"Huh? That's Jonny two by four. His board is named Plank."

"Okay... is it like his friend or something?"

"Yep. His best friend."

"Wow. So um, did Double D say anything about me yesterday?" I hoped Ed wouldn't notice that I liked Double D... but, then again, it doesn't seem like Ed notices all that much. And I wanted to know if Double D liked me, even just as a friend.

"Yeah. He told me that he wants to tell you about these books he's obsessed with."

"Great." I felt my heart flutter. I could tell that whatever Double D said would practically make me swoon. "I... can't wait to hear about it."

After listening to Eddy and Kevin argue their way through math class, it was finally time for health again. I just couldn't quit thinking about Double D. I sat and waited for him. When he got to class, he waved at me, carrying a thick book under his arm. "Greetings, (y/n). I wanted to show you something." Double D showed me the cover of his book. It read: George's Guide to Sea Monsters: Book 1. "This is one of my favorite series. I was thinking you'd like to borrow one and see if you like it?" My heart suddenly sped up, pounding in my chest. What is the matter with me? "Y-yeah. I'd love to read that. Thanks." 

Double D smiled. "Here you go!" And handed the book to me. 

"Uh.. hey, do you play any video games?" 

"Not really." He replied "I've been wanting to try them, but I don't have any, or a system to play them on." An idea clicked into place in my head. 

"Well, Double D, how about you come play some at my house? I live in Peach Creek too, over on Washington street."

"Washington street? That's near my neighborhood. I could walk right over."

"Oh wow, really?" I scratched my head nervously. "Could you... give me your phone number? So I can text you." Well duh. Why did I even say that last part? 

"Certainly." Responded Double D, holding out his hand to me. Just as I was handing him my phone, our teacher flicked the lights on and off to get the classes attention, and began giving instruction. Double D hid my phone under the desk and typed his number in, then handed it back to me under my desk. My eyes met his and he winked at me. Suddenly my heart was in my ears and I found it hard to swallow. I put his name in my phone as Sockhead. (I heard Eddy call him that). Double D shifted his attention to the teacher, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. 

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