The boy in the beanie

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My first day was dragging by. I stared at the board and zoned out during health. The teacher was lazy, and played a movie on the projector. The lights were turned off- how was I expected to not fall asleep? My mind drifted. I had agreed to meet Ed and his friends for lunch next period. Ed was such a strange boy... he asked me how to spell "cow". But he seemed sweet and I was trying my hardest to make friends. Friends are the only thing that can protect you from potential bullying. When my eyes eventually came back into focus, they landed on a boy sitting close to the front of the room, scribbling notes in a notebook. He glanced up at the screen every few seconds, frequently pushing his black beanie out of his eyes. He had long black hair poking out the back of his hat, and wore a green sweater with blue jeans. His glasses kept slipping down his nose as he bobbed his head trying to read the notes and record every one. He looked nothing like the guys I used to crush on at Roswell, but he was... really cute.

When class ended, the lights flickered back on, and as I was packing up, I couldn't help but stare at the boy wearing those glasses and beanie. He left and I came back to my senses. "Better not be late to meet Ed." I thought.

I was still in my sleepy stupor as I walked under the dim fluorescent lights of the cafeteria. I spotted Ed, which wasn't hard, because he was waving his long arms and shouting "(y/n), over here! I saved you some gravy!" My jaw dropped. First because gravy isn't even an option for lunch today, and second, the beanie guy from health was sitting right beside him! Guess it was my lucky day. But.. why am I so nervous? I waved and the rushed over to grab a lunch tray. My face was burning hot and red. As I was in line getting my food, beanie boy appeared right beside me! "Hiii." I said, rather awkwardly. "Hello, my name is Edd. But everybody around here calls me double D."
"Oh" I said breathlessly, "Your name is Ed too?" Double D chuckled.
"Not quite. My name is Edd with two Ds, short for Edward of course. What's yours?"
"Oh, I'm (y/n)."
"Well, (y/n), that's a very pretty name. I just wanted to come over here and introduce myself, because I know that being new is quite trying at times, and Ed can be... well.. enthusiastic."
"Ah... well.. thank you, Double D."

We walked back to the table together, and were joined by a short boy named Eddy. "Well hey there!" said Eddy in a sqeaky, high voice. "This is Eddy" said Double D.

"Hi Eddy. I'm (y/n). I just transferred here today."

"Well, lucky you. You get to sit in on our strategy meeting."

"Oh.. uh.. strategy for what?"

"For becoming the richest cats in Peach Creek. This time, we got in it the bag."

"Swiggity swag, what's in the bag!" Ed interrupted.

"Can it, Lumpy!"

Double D giggled. "Yes, this time Eddy. Maybe if you put in a few more shifts at the car wash you'd be the richest cat in Peach Creek already." Eddy blushed.

"Yeah, alright. So I work at a car wash. I'm gonna move up in the world."

"We know, Eddy." said Double D

"So, uh," said Eddy changing the subject. "What kind of schedule did you get saddled with?" I handed Eddy my folded schedule sheet across the table.

"They give you so many classes here. I only had 4 last year at my old school."

"Yeah well," answered Eddy, "They try to keep us busy. Don't want any of us getting pregnant or nothin. Hey, not bad. You got science next. You must be smart, huh?"

"Why, I have science next too." exclaimed Double D, just as the bell rang. He got up and moved over to my seat, extending his hand offering to help me up. "I'd be happy to walk you there. A new day in a confusing place requires a friend." My face went red again.

Eddy grumbled "Simp." Double D and I headed off to class together.

SockheadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora