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Sockhead: Salutations, (y/n)

Me: Whats up

Sockhead: Are you enjoying the book I lent you?

Me: yeah I stayed up all night reading. Thx again 

Double D was coming over to my house today! I scrambled to clean my room...Double D seems like a very organized guy. Me.. not so much. As I was cleaning I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. In my frenzy to get my home Double D ready, I had forgotten that I was only wearing jeans. I raked through my closet until I settled on a black tank top and green jacket. When I heard the doorbell ring, I flinched, and felt my pulse rise. I bounded down the stairs to the door, and on the other side of it stood Sockhead himself,  wearing a blue shirt and khaki pants, and of course, his black beanie. "Hey Double D. Come on in." 

"Why, thank you. Your house is lovely." I laughed uneasily.

"Thanks. My TV is over here." Double D and I sat on my couch and opened up my gaming app. "Let's make you an account." I suggested. "Hmm... your username..." I typed in Dx2. 

"Dx2?" He inquired, "Why that?"

"You're Double D. Edd. 2 Ds. D times 2."

"Oh, now I get it! That is a clever nickname."

We cycled through playing my favorite video games. He was very good at it.  Far too soon, the sun was going down. We had been playing and talking for hours, and were deep in conversation about George's Guide to Sea Monsters. "I find George very dashing." Double D told me while aggressively swiveling his controller. "Yeah." I responded, crossing the finish line before him. "Booyah. He's pretty dreamy. Especially when he's still young. The way the author describes him is honestly... kind of hot." I can't believe I'm confiding this in my huge crush, but something seems to simply be drawing the words out. "Ah" spoke said crush, "So you do like guys then?"

"Oh." I blurted, surprised. "Absolutely. I mean, yeah, I-I do." 

"I'm sorry to ask so forwardly, but I never like to make assumptions." Double D looked embarrassed. "It's totally fine. I don't mind." I said, trying to be reassuring. I really didn't mind. I was just so shocked because I thought he might be... flirting with me? "...Is something wrong?" I asked him. "N-no. Just... nothing, um. I should be going soon. My mother will worry." He quickly stood and gathered up his things. "Thank you, (y/n). I had a wonderful time. I wish I had one of these at home. Video games are great."He was speaking so frantically that I was having trouble keeping up. "Uh- you're welcome. You can totally come over here and play."

"Fantastic. I'll see you in school. Have a lovely evening." And before I could get any words out my mouth, Double D was out the door. That was so.. odd. I was coming to realize that Double D wasn't at all just my crush anymore. He was also my friend. I suppose even my best friend. 

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