Career Fair

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Health class was dragging on... again. But, at least we got to skip half of it to go to the career fair. As soon as the digital clock blinked 11:30, students began packing up. Double D stood up and streched. "So, (y/n), you ready? I suppose I've never even asked you what you want to do."

"Ah, it's fine. I'm not quite sure. Good thing there's a job fair huh? How about you?"

"Well, you know I've always loved science. I'm just not sure what to do about it, specifically." 

"Oh yeah? I mean, any ideas?"

"Well, I've narrowed it down to microbiology, astronomy, engineering, genetics, chemistry, biochem, or just good ol' biology." 

"Uhhh... you sure narrowed it down." Double D laughed bashfully. 

"I know, I know, there are just so many options in the world." 

"Yeah. Yeah I guess you're right." We'd been walking and were now in the gym. 

"Double D! Over here! Hey, (y/n)!" Eddy was waving us over to a booth. 

"Damn, what is it Eddy?" I asked him. 

"I just wanted to show Double D this booth." 

"Eddy... banking? I thought I'd made myself clear."

"I know! But banking uses math! I mean, you love math." 

Double D sighed. "Yeah.. Eddy, I do. But-"

"Just think about it!" 

"Oh, I'm sure you'll remind me to. Now, (y/n) and I are going to look around, because he/she doesn't know what to do yet." Eddy facepalmed and grumbled. 

"Fine, fine." He followed us around the gym. 

"So, (y/n), have I told you that Eddy is going to college after all?"

"No way!" I exclaimed. "Really?"

"Don't sound too surprised." Eddy retaliated. "But yeah, I'm gonna be a college man. No big deal." 

"Well it's a big deal to me, Eddy." Said Double D fondly. "I'm very proud of you." Eddy seemed suddenly on edge. "Yeah, ok whatever. It's not like you, Mr. bigshot! Tell (y/n) the school you got into!"

"Oh, Eddy." Double D blushed and shrugged him off. 

"(y/n)!" Said Eddy, "Come with me, I want to show you the, uh, nursing... booth. Be right back Double D!" Eddy took me by the elbow and dragged me over to a corner of the gym. 

"What is it, dude?" I said, feeling irritated. 

"I- I decided not to go. To school anymore, that is. I have no idea how to tell Double D!

"Why? Why not what happened?" 

"Nothing, I just- I know I can do something great. I just need the world to get out of my way. It's gonna be hard without Double D, but let's be honest... I don't think Ed will get into college. He needs me man, and I know he'll help me. We'll be okay. I just need the space to do what I want." 

I shrugged. "Then just tell him that." 

"I guess... yeah. He's a good guy, huh?"

"Sure. I mean... I think I love him." 

"Right. Well, maybe I'll tell him." 

"Yeah, maybe you should." Eddy sighed and began shuffling back over to Double D, motioning for me to follow. He was standing at the booth for chemistry.

 "Hey you two. So, what's new in nursing?" We both just stared at him as if seeing a ghost. "Hey.. you two. What's wrong?"
 Eddy stared for another moment, then slowly took a breath, and said "I'm not going." 

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