It's a Double Sided Story

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Strap in bois this is a long one.

Edd's POV:

"Okay sockhead, here's the plan. When the party starts, Ed and I will leave so you and (y/n) can hang out." Eddy bounced his eyebrows at me. 

"Okay Eddy... but I'm nervous." I sat on Eddy's bed, trying to calm my shaking form. 

"Aw, don't worry Double D. (y/n) seems like a big nerd. You two dweebs will go great together."

I smiled. "Thanks for being such a wing man, Eddy." Eddy turned around from where he was staring out the window. "Sure thing Double D. You've helped me with a decade worth of scams,  and it's about time you dated someone who isn't crazy or treats you like trash. Maybe even... lose it for real."

"Eddy!" I snapped. "Shame on you! This is not the time to talk about that. I'm so nervous." I put my head in my hands. 

"Double D. Come on. Just talk to (y/n). How could he/she not like you?" 

I looked up. "Wow, Eddy. I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

"Yeah, well. What can I say? I'm a nice guy." I had a flashback to Eddy tackling Ed and bashing his head into the window of a school bus earlier this week. "Sure, Eddy." I glanced out the window and saw (y/n) talking to Ed down the street just a bit. "Well, that's him/her." I said, heart beating like a gong. 

"Go get em' tiger."

In just a few minutes, I found myself alone with (y/n) at the party. I was quite ready to try and "chat him/her up" as it were, but (y/n) just kept asking about Eddy. Was he/she onto us? Did my new friend already know that I had an astronomically large crush on him/her? I began to panic. This wasn't part of the plan! I had to find Eddy. I hastily told (y/n) to wait there for me and bolted inside. "Eddy!" I wailed. "Eddy?" I looked all over Rolf's house, and as I was running around, I smacked into Kevin and fell to the ground with a thump. "Kevin!"

"Ow! Watch it dork! You're gonna make me spill my soda." It looked to me like Kevin had already spilled quite a bit before I ran into him. There were dried stains on his shirt. He also seemed to be wobbling a bit more than usual. I bit my lip. "Kevin... have you seen Eddy?"

"No. Why?"

"I-I just need to find him." 

"Oh is he your boyfriend now?" I felt the rare occurrence of my blood boiling with rage. (metaphorically of course). I couldn't just sit there on the floor of Rolf's kitchen and be quiet like the pathetic Peach Creek geek that everyone thinks I am. "YOU broke up with ME, Kevin!" I roared. 

"WE were never together, double dork!" I gritted my teeth.  

"Why are you being this way Kevin? Why don't you leave me alone? Like you have been all summer!" 

"Why don't you make me!" Kevin bellowed. We locked eyes, and his face softened. He repeated, more quietly. "Why don't you make me?" I immediately turned crimson. I slowly got to my feet. "I suppose I will." Kevin pulled me close, and his grasp felt so familiar. I could clearly smell alcohol on his breath. "K-Kevin, wait. Are you sure this is a good idea? You seem... intoxicated." 

"Shhh... come here double dweeb." I couldn't resist him. I thought about (y/n). I knew if I got involved with Kevin I was messing up my chances with him/her. But something drew me to Kevin's lips, and before I knew it we were kissing. When I opened my eyes, I saw Ed, Eddy, and... (y/n). Standing in the kitchen door. I gasped, and lurched away from Kevin. 

"(y/n!)" As (y/n) left the party, it felt like my heart was being squeezed. Eddy ran after him/her, but I knew I had messed up. I had made things too uncomfortable, for certain now. "Double D?" said Kevin. 

"Kevin." I whispered, "I... can't. I'm sorry. You made Nazz a promise. And I helped you break it. It's all too complicated."

"Double D..." slurred Kevin, "Wait..." 

"Goodbye, Kevin." 

Hours later, I lay in my bed with my head underneath the pillow, ruminating in the events of the day. "Oh, (y/n)." I thought to myself. "Will you ever forget my horribly embarrassing moments? He/She thinks I like Kevin now... do I like Kevin? I didn't think Kevin even remembered I exist..." My train of thought was derailed by a knock on the door. I knew it couldn't be (y/n), he/she doesn't even know where I  live. But the butterflies in my stomach fluttered anyway. Turns out it was Eddy. "Sockhead! I tried to stop (y/n) from leaving! What the heck happened? Why did you kiss Kevin?" 

"Oh Eddy!" I crumbled into his arms. "I've wrecked everything! I'm a homewrecker!" 

"Oh. hey, uh... calm down, Double D."

"I'm the other... man!" 

"That's Kevin's fault." Eddy grumbled. "He cheated. Forget about that, what about (y/n)? It's not like you cheated on her/him. You aren't even dating! You still have a shot, Double D." 

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