Mr. Popular

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Your POV: 

I ran to catch up with Double D in the hallway. "D!" He smiled at me.

"Good morning angel." 

"Aw." I blushed and slung my arm over his shoulder as we continued down the hall. 

"Oh, I called Eddy last night. He says he's jealous that Ed and I have a new friend, and now there's four of us. I mean, you're an honorary Ed."

"Huh. Well, it makes sense. But... I didn't see him in math today." Double D stopped walking, looking confused.

"What? I wonder why not..." We settled down at our desks in health class for another long and boring video about eggs or something. I zoned out quickly, and when I zoned back in the room was dark, our teacher was at his desk reading the newspaper, and a video was playing on the projector. The class was silent. Suddenly the door busted open. I couldn't quite see who was walking in. It was a short figure... roaming confidently into the class. As he came closer I could see it was- Eddy. He was dressed as if we were going to homecoming again. "Hey!" Shouted the teacher. "You can't be in here! Where are you supposed to be right now?" 

"Eddy!" whispered Double D. "What are you doing here? Why weren't you in math?"

"Because. I've needed to tell you something that I don't think you quite understand. I spent the morning figuring out how to say it." 

"What in the world are you talking about?"

"I think I love you. And I want you." Those words hung heavy in the air for a moment. 

"YOU WHAT?" Double D roared. "Where the hell did this come from? You had over a decade to tell me about this and you didn't? I've dated three people and you never figured it out?!" 

"Chill, okay, things change!"

"Excuse me!" Shouted our teacher. "This is not a soap opera, this is a health class! Leave, now." Glaring at each other, Eddy and Double D exited the class. I could see them in the hallway, and leaned over in my seat trying to hear what they were saying. "Mr./Miss (y/ln)
what is so interesting? Please pay attention!" I sighed and flopped back in my chair. What in the heck was going on?! 

Class finally ended, and I rushed out in to the hall, but Double D and Eddy weren't there! "Ugh!" I exclaimed and started running around the school looking for them. I finally discovered them by some lockers. "What the actual hell?" They both looked at me, startled. 

"Look, trust me (y/n)." Said Double D. "I'm just as confused as you are."

Eddy sighed dramatically. "Why not? Double D..." He whined. 

"Eddy. I can't just go on a date with you."

"I'm in love."

"No you're not. You're having an existential crisis to avoid making a choice about your future. I, however, am in love already and I need you to respect that." I turned beet red. In love? With me? 

"It's just hard, okay?" Wailed Eddy. "I don't know what I want to do." 

"Just come with me, Eddy. You should go to school. You'll have four more years to figure it out."

"Ugghhhh but college is sooo expensive." He groaned. 

"Yeah, I know. But it might be worth it." 

"I'll think about it." He huffed. 

"That's all I ask." This was a supremely awkward day, and I tired to break the silence. 

"So... We should go get pizza." The boys both grumbled in agreement. I rubbed my aching head. This whole week had been such a mess. 

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