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October 31st fell on a Saturday this year, a true blessing. It was cloudy and blustery out, perfect weather for a spooky soul like me. I had been so much happier since transferring to Peach Creek, and I had a good feeling about today. I was on my way to the cul-de-sac Halloween party. After the last cul-de-sac party I attended, nothing could go worse. The Eds and I had decided at lunch to go as "classic monsters", as Double D would say, so I had makeup caked all over my face to look like a vampire. My cape was probably too big, and I kept tripping over it. The first person I thought of was Rolf... dressed as a sheep? Well, he is the son of a shepherd. Then I saw the Eds in Double D's yard, hanging up decorations. Ed had green paint smeared on his face, with makeshift stitches to make him look like a zombie. Eddy looked like... a roll of toilet paper? No wait... a mummy. I laughed. "You two look great." Eddy squinted out from the eye gap in his mummy wrappings. 


"(y/n)!" Double D called out. He was standing on a ladder up against his house. "Can you help me with my makeup?" 

"Yeah, dude of course." I hollered up at him. He was wearing a headband with animal ears and a ripped flannel. "Uh.. what are you supposed to be again?"

Double D laughed. "I'm a werewolf! I told you already!" 

"Yeah, yeah I know." Eddy shuffled over next to me. 

"I can't believe Sockhead is finally letting us throw a party at his place. I mean, his parents are out of town on business trips all the time." 

"AND" Shouted Double D, "We have to clean up before they get home."

Double D and I went inside to do his makeup. I painted a wolf nose on and made his eyebrows look thicker. "Here, I brought some extra fake teeth." He popped the plastic vampire teeth into his mouth and grinned at me. I laughed. "We match." Double D leaned in and kissed me. Our fake teeth knocked together. I reached for his hand, just as Eddy kicked the door open. "Ayo! Party's starting!" Double D sighed. 

"Yes, Eddy." 

Hours later, the party was in full swing. It was dark outside, and all the cul-de-sac kids were listening to music on the lawn and drinking punch. (There was no "soda" allowed at Double D's party). "Man, this is boring already." Complained Eddy. "Let's go into the woods and look around." 

"Sure, why not?" I mumbled absentmindedly. So, the Eds and I wandered around the woods near the cul-de-sac. "You know, (y/n)," explained Eddy, "You look great, but you're not really my type." 

"Um. Thanks?" Suddenly we heard some rustling in the bushes. 

"What's that?" Ed wondered aloud. 

"Probably some squirrels." Said Double D, but he squeezed my hand tighter. And then out of a bush climbed the three Kankers. 

"Wow, what a surprise." Grumbled Eddy. Ed and Double D took a step behind me and Eddy, clearly trying to hide. What was so scary about these chicks? "Do you three just live under rocks? What are you even doing? You already dropped out of school, why don't you just move?" 

"That's a good question Eddy." Sneered Lee. "How about, shut up?" She and the other two girls giggled stupidly. 

"Hey, Double D." Taunted Marie. "Did you miss me?" The girls laughed hysterically. "Are you ready to actually man up? Might make girls like you more." 

"Why are you such a bitch?" Screamed Eddy. 

"Why are you such a dork?" Lee shot back. "And why is he such a geek? What's with the hat, anyway, is he bald?" 

"Oh, that's gross!" Exclaimed May. 

"Hey!" Barked Eddy. 

"No-" Double D pushed him aside. He had a look on his face that I'd never seen before. "I got this." He said calmly. "Marie, whatever made you think it was okay to do what you did is a mystery to me. You were so great when we started dating. But I hope you know that I don't want anything to do with you now. I'd even date Kevin before going back to you. But, I don't have to do that,  because this-" He grabbed me by the shoulder, "Is my girl/boyfriend. So frankly Marie... fuck off." We were feeling pretty triumphant for a moment, until Lee shouted "Get em!"

To our surprise, May pulled a knife out of her boot, and that was all we needed to see before taking off running. 

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