Rocky start

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Before I went to English class, Double D, Eddy and I huddled in the hallway by my locker. "Okay, y/n," said Eddy, "You have to figure out why May was calling Ed's phone."

"How do I do that?"

"It's Ed! Just bring it up subtly and maybe he'll tell you."

"I dunno, Eddy." Protested Double D. "We are now delving into Ed's personal life, which we really have no right to do."

"We're talking about May Kanker here. I'm pretty sure she's killed someone before. This is important, Ed could be in real trouble."

Double D sighed. "I guess you're right."

"So, (y/n), will you do it?"

I nodded. "Meet me here before lunch."

Ed, now fully clothed, was leaning back in his chair, reading a comic book and drinking a soda. "Hi, Ed." I said, sitting at my desk. "Hey listen, you dropped your phone in the gym. Here." I handed it to him.

"Thanks (y/n)."

"Sooo Ed. I was just thinking about Halloween. That was fun, huh."

"It sure was."

"Except, y'know, when Lee Kanker chased us with a knife."

"Yeah, that was scary."

"Have you seen any of the Kankers since then, by any chance?"

Ed seemed to tense up at this suggestion. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason. I just-"

"Everybody quiet!" The teacher shouted before starting class. When class was over, I tried again to talk to Ed but he rushed out of the room before I could say a word. At lunch, I met up with the other two Ed's. 

"He wouldn't give me a straight answer!"

"Okay, okay..." Double scratched his head, "We'll just have to-"

"Shhhhh!" Interrupted Eddy. "Look!" We all looked towards the front door of the school, where Ed was sneaking out. 

"Where on Earth is he going?" Double D wondered aloud. 

"Only one way to find out!" Eddy grabbed both of our arms and dragged us towards the door. 


We secretly followed Ed into the alley behind the school. "Quick," I instructed, "Behind the dumpster!" We hid and watched Ed, but all he was doing was staring at his phone. Then suddenly, a girl rode up on a dirt bike. 

"Who's that?" Eddy whispered in my ear. 

"I can't see, she was a helmet on." But when she took the helmet off, we could clearly see that it was May Kanker. Double D gasped. I tried to figure out what Ed and May were talking about, but they were too far away for us to hear. But then, the unthinkable happened. May leaned closer to Ed, and he kissed her. All three of us gasped this time. Ed got on the dirt bike with her and they rode away. 

"What the hell was that?" yelled Eddy. 

"I don't know, but we're gonna be late for 5th period."

"Seriously sockhead? You're thinking about school at a time like this?"

"Well one of us has to!"

"Guys!" I interrupted. "I know that we always think Ed needs our help but maybe he doesn't this time? Has it occurred to anyone that maybe he actually likes her?"

"But she's a Kanker." Eddy shuddered. 

Double D sighed. "We just have to talk to him. I mean look at us, hiding behind a dumpster like children."

"I'm with Double D, we have to get to class."

"You're both nuts." Huffed Eddy, storming back inside the school. 

As Double D and I were getting ready to leave at the end of the day, Kevin started yelling at us. "Hey dorks!"

"What, Kevin?" Double D asked in a tired voice. 

"The game against Lemon Brook is this Saturday."

"I know that. Bye, Kevin." We started to walk away but he stopped us again.

"Wait! Double D, aren't you in the photography club?"


"Look, I'm sorry I called you a dork just now but I really need your help. I'm trying to get a scholarship and I need you to take pictures of me winning the Lemon Brook game."

"What if you don't win?"

"Trust me, we'll win. And I'll pay you. To take the photos." 

Double D sighed. "Okay then."

"Thanks Double D." Kevin smiled. "See ya later!" Then Eddy appeared out of nowhere. 

"Come on, we're going to Ed's house."

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