79. Cop Car's

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"This is not my fault," Louis told us.

"This is your fault!" I hissed back at him.

"Mum is going to kill us," Ashton groaned as he rested his head on the glass window.

"You three keep it down back there," The officer told us. "You're in a lot of trouble you three are."

"This is not my fault," Louis repeated

"Yes, it is!" Ashton and I yelled back over at him.


Louis's POV Two hours before.

"Right, yeah I know Bri-," I let out a sigh as she continued to chat my ear off. "Yeah, I promise I'll be there. Alright, yeah by."

I rested my elbow on the kitchen counter as I massaged my temples. Who the bloody knew that having a child could be this hard. Maybe this is why you should not have children with people you aren't dating. Much less someone who lives in a different country than you. But I would do anything for my child. This is my responsibility and I would own up to everything and be there as much as I could.

"Hey Lou," Ashton nodded his head at me as he walked over to the fridge. He pulled out a water bottle as he looked me over. "You doing alright?"

"Yeah, just working some things out with Briana's new house," I folded my hands, looking up at him.

"The house you bought her?" Ashton raised an eyebrow as he walked closer to me.

"That would be the one," I told him.

"What the problem with it?" Ashton asked.

"Just some interior shit she wants done for the baby's room before he comes around," I sighed out.

"Why don't you just borrow some shit from mum?" Ashton asked. "I mean she has got to have everything under the sun for boys after having nine of them."

"No, she doesn't know what she is having yet. And we got to have our own shit," I pushed myself off the counter. "You want to go with me to pick some things up from the shops?"

"Sure I got some things I need to pick up," Ashton set his water down as I grabbed dad's key. 

"Come on, let's make this fast before mum knows we are gone," I told him as we made our way out of the house.


Hope's POV 

Did I sneak out of my house? Yes. Will I get in lots of trouble if my parents find out? Yes, most definitely I will.

But Lottie texted me and asked if I wanted to go to a party, and I haven't seen my hometown friends in forever, and it's my duty as a teenager to sneak out at least once? I put on a cute outfit and did up my look. Looked a fancy and girly a shit. 

"Here you go birthday girl!" Lottie handed me a drink of an unknown substance- after giving the unknown drink a sniff I realized it was vodka- while I sat on the counter of the crowded party. 

"Lottie, it's not my birthday for a couple of days," I reminded her as I took a sip, gagging a bit. "What's in this?"

"A lot of shit," Lottie laughed as she passed one to Gemma.

"Don't get trashed tonight, our parents will kill us if we get caught," Gemma warned us. 

"Yes yes, drink responsible," Lottie rolled her eyes. "I already got Sam's brother to give us a ride home if we get to wasted."

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